Vibe Check
by Brandi Scardilli
As I write this, San Diego Convention Center (SDCC) is hosting Comic-Con International. I’ve never attended, but I’m glued to my phone for the duration of the con each year, following along with every YouTube channel and Instagram feed that has a presence there. Maybe it’s silly, but I was excited to walk the halls of SDCC in person when I attended ALA Annual at the end of June. I like to experience the vibes of places I’ve only ever seen via a screen. You can read my conference coverage starting on page 11 and Marydee Ojala’s at newsbreaks.infotoday.com/Spotlight/The-Footsore-Searcher-Visits-ALA-Annual-2024-165168.asp.
Something else going on as I write this is that Vice President Kamala Harris became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president. Amy Affelt writes about the soon-to-be-very-important issue of fake news and elections on page 16.
Information Today’s authors continue to grapple with different aspects of AI. I wrote an article on AI and the environment for NewsBreaks at newsbreaks.infotoday.com/NewsBreaks/AI-and-the-Environment-A-DoubleEdged-Sword-164502.asp. On page 20, Kashyap Kompella discusses detecting AI-generated coursework as back-to-school days approach. Sophia Guevara demonstrates Pickaxe on page 8, and Mick O’Leary reviews Google’s AI Overviews on page 24.
Happy reading,