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Magazines > Information Today > October 2004
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Information Today

Vol. 21 No. 9 — October 2004

Product News and Reviews

Infotrieve Releases ArticleFinder 2.0

Infotrieve, Inc. announced the release of ArticleFinder 2.0, an enhanced version of its proprietary information discovery tool. ArticleFinder 2.0 contains more than 26 million citations and 8 million abstracts primarily within the scientific, technical, and medical areas.

Version 2.0 includes a new user interface, updates to the back-end technology, and new functionality such as results filtering, the ability to e-mail results, numerous advanced search parameters, and hyperlinked search results for linear exploration by author, abstract, or issue.

Source: Infotrieve, Inc., Los Angeles, 310/445-3001;

Ovid Announces Books@Ovid Platform Enhancements

Ovid Technologies announced enhancements to Books@Ovid, its electronic books platform. Books@Ovid's new intuitive search and browse features—such as natural language search capability, relevance ranking, and back-of-the-book index browsing—help to maximize research precision and speed.

Books@Ovid is now fully integrated with Journals@Ovid and Ovid bibliographic databases, allowing users to search across the entire Ovid content repository and to access the full range of Ovid tools (including ask-a-librarian and personal accounts). Ovid also provides linking to full-text journals, bibliographic records, and external Web resources.

Source: Ovid Technologies, New York, 646/674-6301;

Wiley Launches SpecInfo on Wiley InterScience

John Wiley & Sons, Inc. announced the launch of SpecInfo on Wiley InterScience, its online publishing platform. With more than 434,000 curated spectra, SpecInfo provides an integrated spectroscopy solution for viewing, predicting, and searching spectra. SpecInfo collections cover three specialized fields: Infrared (IR), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), and Mass Spectroscopy (MS).

SpecInfo allows users to search by structure, substructure, complete spectra, individual spectral features, chemical names, and molecular properties. Each entry includes chemical name, molecular formula, molecular weight, literature reference, solvent, standard, and measurement conditions.

Source: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, 201/748-6000;

ProQuest Adds Selections from EIU ViewsWire to ABI/INFORM

ProQuest Information and Learning announced the addition of EIU ViewsWire selections to the ABI/INFORM suite of business databases.

EIU ViewsWire, published by the London-based Economist Intelligence Unit, provides analytical briefings to support business decision making. EIU ViewsWire covers the critical aspects of global business, including business regulations, economic developments, financial markets, foreign investment, industrial trends, labor conditions, political changes, and trade policies in 201 countries.

Source: ProQuest Information and Learning, Ann Arbor, MI, 734/761-4700;

Inmagic Reveals Inmagic Presto!

Inmagic, Inc. announced the release of Inmagic Presto!, a Web-based content catalog for accessing, sharing, and re-purposing information assets. Built on the Inmagic Content Server using the Microsoft SQL Server back end, Presto! leverages the Microsoft .NET technologies to provide unified access to search, identify, and retrieve content no matter where it resides.

According to the release, Inmagic Presto! can serve as a repository for housing legacy systems content as well as maintain extensive metadata about an organization's content. In addition, Presto! automates the capture, aggregation, and categorization of the content in order to provide integrated search.

Source: Inmagic, Inc., Woburn, MA, 781/938-4444;

Nature Publishing Group Puts Nature Online

Nature Publishing Group has launched the online Nature research journals archive collection. The collection contains more than 11,000 articles from Nature Biotechnology (formerly Bio/Technology), Nature Genetics, Nature Medicine, and Nature Structural & Molecular Biology (formerly Nature Structural Biology) published from volume 1, issue 1 to April 1998.

The collection's articles are published in PDF with HTML versions of abstracts and reference lists. They include links to the full abstracting services of CrossRef, MEDLINE, CAS, and ISI (including the ISI Web of Science). Content is integrated with's advanced search capabilities and can also be browsed by issue from the individual journal archive pages.

Source: Nature Publishing Group, New York, 212/726-9640;

Thomson Gale Offers MLA International Bibliography, Enhances Databases

Thomson Gale now offers customers two ways to access the Modern Language Association (MLA) International Bibliography. The company also announced enhancements to three of its online databases.

MLA International Bibliography

Thomson Gale's subscribers to MLA who also have a subscription to the publisher's Literature Resource Center can now access the MLA International Bibliography in two formats: as a stand-alone on InfoTrac and directly from Literature Resource Center.

Through Thomson Gale's MLA on InfoTrac and within Literature Resource Center with MLA, users can access the Merriam-Webster Encyclopedia of Literature, allowing them to look up any of 10,000 literary terms for reference. They can also use the Gale Literary Index to search for citations from more than 200 major literary references. The Gale Literary Index combines and cross-references more than 138,000 author names and more than 176,000 titles.

Database Enhancements

Thomson Gale announced enhancements to three of the company's online databases: Biography Resource Center, What Do I Read Next?, and Social Science Electronic Data Library.

Nearly 29,000 more descriptors have been added to the Biography Resource Center, which provides biographical information on more than 320,000 past and present noteworthy figures.

Source: Thomson Gale, Farmington Hills, MI, 248/699-4253;

IPCA Available on EBSCOhost

EBSCO Publishing announced the availability of Internet & Personal Computing Abstracts (IPCA) via the EBSCOhost interface.

IPCA (formerly Microcomputer Abstracts) contains content that extends back to the 1980s and provides abstracts and indexing for literature related to personal computing products and developments in business, the Internet, the home, and all other applied areas. More than 400 trade publications, mainstream computer magazines, and professional journals are covered, including those that focus on specific topics such as Macintosh and Windows platforms, programming, Web development, and more. Special emphasis is also given to hardware and software reviews. IPCA includes content from such titles as, PC World, Macworld, and Linux Journal and contains editor-selected articles from hundreds of magazine titles.

Source: EBSCO Publishing, Ipswich, MA, 978/356-6500;

ATLA Updates ATLAS Collection

The American Theological Library Association announced the August update of ATLAS, its online collection of major religion and theology journals selected by religion scholars and theologians.

The update increases content to include 561 journal issues and contains six times as many images than previous quarterly updates. It also introduces three new ATLAS titles: Perspectives in Religious Studies, Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics, and African Ecclesial Review.

Other additions include the completion of the retrospective imaging of Zygon back to volume one, the addition of 91 issues of the Journal of Evangelical Studies, and 32 issues of Church History.

Source: The American Theological Library Association, Chicago, 312/454-5100;

Factiva Adds U.S. Government and Military Publications from Gannett

Factiva has added nine sources of information about the U.S. federal government and the U.S. military from the Army Times Publishing Company, a division of Gannett.

Factiva customers will now have access to the full text of the Federal Times and Defense News, which offer insights for federal managers and senior defense decision makers. Also being added are the Armed Forces Journal, Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance, and Training & Simulation Journal (magazines providing in-depth features and analysis for officers), and Army Times, Navy Times, Air Force Times, and Marine Corps Times (magazines providing coverage of the armed forces for members of the U.S. military).

Source: Factiva, Princeton, NJ, 609/627-2000;

Aries Unveils Editorial Manager 3.0

Aries Systems Corp. announced the release of Editorial Manager 3.0, which includes new features for reference works and review journals.

Editorial Manager 3.0 is the first release of the application to provide tracking prior to author submission. Other enhancements include greater flexibility in Reviewer and Editor recommendation forms, improvements to the user interface, and an expansion of the acceptable file formats allowed for submitted files.

Additionally, Editorial Manager 3.0 has extended the compatibility of the system with third-party applications. This has allowed Aries to integrate artwork quality-checking at different points in the peer-review work flow. Editorial Manager 3.0 currently supports two different artwork preflight systems and can be extended to support more.

Editorial Manager is already ISO 10646-1 (Unicode) compliant, and version 3.0 introduces additional compliance with the IS 3166-1 (country code) standard.

Source: Aries Systems Corp., North Andover, MA, 978/975-7570;

CAS Extends Access to Research from Early 20th Century

CAS has expanded its Scientific Century project by making thousands of additional early-20th-century articles from American Chemical Society (ACS) journals and others available online. According to the release, the enhanced content will enable researchers to access more than 7,000 additional records dating back to 1900.

The added information (accessible through STN services, SciFinder, and SciFinder Scholar) includes the following:

Journal of the American Chemical Society—more than 1,500 records, including abstracts for journal articles and summaries for book reviews

Journal of Physical Chemistry—more than 5,200 records, including abstracts of articles published in the journal plus other "abstracts of interest" to the journal (i.e., published in other sources of the time)

• More than 400 documents published from 1900 to 1912 in various sources and not originally covered in CA

Source: Chemical Abstracts Service, Columbus, OH, 614/447-3600;

Metafile Delivers Information with Document Distribution Module

Metafile announced the release of a Document Distribution module for its MetaViewer Enterprise software package that automatically delivers defined information from reports via e-mail, fax, or printer.

The Document Distribution module analyzes each page of specific reports indexed on MetaViewer Enterprise using the full-text search engine and builds documents that meet assigned criteria. The new module can handle a wide range of document and print-stream formats and has the ability to integrate with an ODBC host to obtain e-mail addresses, fax numbers, etc., for delivery of documents.

Source: Metafile Information Systems, Inc., Rochester, MN, 800/638-2445;

HW Wilson Adds Two Databases to WilsonWeb

HW Wilson added Science Full Text Select to WilsonWeb. The company also announced that Index to Legal Periodicals Retrospective 1918—1981 is now available on WilsonWeb.

Science Full Text Select

HW Wilson announced the addition of Science Full Text Select to WilsonWeb. Science Full Text Select combines the full-text content of all Wilson science databases, delivering articles from 320 sources. The database also provides graphical content (charts, diagrams, and illustrations) in PDF page images and article summaries (written in 50- to 150-word abstracts). Subject headings keep pace with scientific and technical developments and daily additions provide new content.


Index to Legal Periodicals Retrospective 1918­1981

Information on jurisprudence dating from the end of World War I is now searchable online with HW Wilson's new Index to Legal Periodicals Retrospective 1918­1981.

Based on the print reference Index to Legal Periodicals & Books, Index to Legal Periodicals Retrospective indexes articles from more than 750 publications from the U.S., Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand. The database features some 540,000 records, including book reviews and case citations.

Source: The HW Wilson Co., New York, 718/588-8400;

Nature Publishing Group Partners with EMBO

Nature Publishing Group, in partnership with the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), announced the launch of Molecular Systems Biology. The journal will be available in spring 2005 as a peer-reviewed, online-only publication with an "author-pays, open access" pricing model.

Molecular Systems Biology is the first journal to be solely dedicated to the field of systems biology at the molecular level. It will publish research in the evolving fields of bioinformatics, genomics and proteomics, microbial systems, cell signaling, and computational networks, and will help integrate data and theory to better understand the nature of living systems. The journal will work together with the systems biology community to establish guidelines, standards, and metrics for global complex datasets.

Source: Nature Publishing Group, New York, 212/726-9640;

Swets Launches SwetsWise Title Bank

Swets Information Services announced that it has launched SwetsWise Title Bank, a customized gateway to a library's collection of online and print holdings.

SwetsWise Title Bank enables Swets' clients to customize their entire list of electronic subscription links whether they originate from external databases, publisher Web sites, or SwetsWise Online Content. Swets' new service assists customers in maintaining control of their electronic resources and in providing full-text access to all titles. Features will include the ability to browse title and subject lists, conduct title and subject searches, and consult both title and article-level usage data.

SwetsWise Title Bank's second version will be released later this year with additional features.

Source: Swets Information Services, Lisse, Netherlands, 011-31-252-435-584;



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