Fair Game
by Brandi Scardilli
When I was a high school exchange student in Germany, I played a lot of UNO with my host family. They had their own extra rules they played by—for example, slap the eights. It was a good way to bond with my hosts, and it was nice to play something I was already familiar with, even though we were speaking German the whole time.
Let’s see what games we have in common: My childhood favorites were Slamwich, Forbidden Bridge, Life, Mall Madness, Tall Bird Short Bird, The Amazing Labyrinth, Guess Who?, Rack-O, and Battleship. I still play some of them today, and I’ve recently gotten really into Bananagrams and Sequence. I’ve never been good at video games, but I did grow up playing Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Sonic and Tails on Sega Genesis and then Super Smash Bros. on Nintendo 64 with my younger brother.
November is International Games Month, and you can keep the nostalgia going by learning more about it and getting your library to participate with help from Patti Gibbons’ article on page 12. Justin Hoenke digs into the current state of video games on page 15.
Happy gaming!
