Volume 17,  Number 5 • May 2000
Electronic journals - best practices — A one-day NISO/NFAIS workshop examined a number of key issues
by Priscilla Caplan

Reports that at an NFAIS meeting preconference event, the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) and the National Federation of Abstracting and Information Services (NFAIS) co-sponsored a one-day workshop to examine issues related to electronic journals. Says that Pat Harris, NISO's executive director, noted that the first NISO standard addressed the format and arrangement of printed periodicals, and expressed optimism that best practices could also be established in the electronic arena to everyone's benefit. Mentions other speakers, including John Ewing, executive director of the American Mathematical Society (AMS), who described the society's pioneering role in implementing e-publishing solutions. States that as a result of this workshop, a group is drafting a best practices for electronic publishing.
Internet & Personal Computing Abstracts   © 2000 Information Today, Inc.