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Magazines > Information Today > June 2004
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Information Today

Vol. 21 No. 6 — June 2004


Keeping It Real

I don't have any real complaints but I'd like to remain anonymous anyway. I work for a company that probably wouldn't appreciate me writing to you in a casual capacity.

I really like what I see in Information Today. I don't always agree with everything that your writers say, but I appreciate them saying it nonetheless. I think it's important in this paranoid USA PATRIOT Act era to expose the evils of the current administration in Washington. John Ashcroft in particular is a scary character who bears watching. I like that Information Today stays on top of these issues and shines light on those dark areas that need illuminating.

If I might make one suggestion: I think you should have more photos in your newspaper. Sometimes it's hard wading through those longer articles when there aren't any photos to break things up. (Sorry for the minor criticism—I was a graphic designer in a former life.)

—Name witheld by request
Hilliard, Ohio


On page 26 of the April 2004 issue, we incorrectly noted that Star Wars: Episode II—Attack of the Clones was produced by Steven Spielberg. It was in fact produced by George Lucas and Rick McCallum. (Thanks to Robyn Stanley of Lucasfilm Research Library for pointing out the error.)



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