Rounding Up Online Resources
by Brandi Scardilli
Because a crucial aspect of info pros’ jobs is information literacy, Information Today often publishes resource guides. They’re Anthony Aycock’s specialty, and this issue, he lists the best online sources for learning about the history of civil rights in the U.S. (page 15). Another writer with resource guide expertise is David Haden, who shares open sources for learning about military-related topics (page 26). Patti Gibbons digs into the primary sources-based teachers program at the Library of Congress, offering educators a primer on how they can leverage the library’s online collections in their classroom (page 18). In the Insights on Content section, Linda Pophal shares which social media channels are resonating with marketers (page 31). Social media is the topic of Legal Issues too: Tom Gaylord contributes to the discussion about banning TikTok (page 22). Articles about AI this month come from Amy Affelt, whose feature provides search strategies (page 12), and both Reports From the Field (starting on page 8).
Happy reading,
Brandi Scardilli is Editor of Information Today and Newsbreaks. Send your comments about this article to itletters@infotoday.com.