Volume 17, Number 2 February 2000
A distance learning reality check When is it truly educational, and when is it merely Web publishing?
by Robin Peek
FOCUS ON PUBLISHING column addresses some questions about distance learning. Relates that one common misconception is that distance education must involve the Web, although it has been delivered via the mail, radio, television, video, and multimedia CD-ROM. Reports that expenditures allocated to upgrading campus infrastructure and supporting applications development makes distance education an expensive proposition and some virtual universities have already shut down. Mentions that Learn.com offers free online courses which are actually vanity publishing. Says that Smartplanet.com, offers courses for free and for a fee, some of which are decent examples of distance learning, and others which replicate the unfortunate business model of Learn.com. Fears that distance learning may ultimately serve as an educational Band-Aid for underserved populations.
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