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Conferences > Internet@Schools West 2010
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Internet@Schools West 2010 October 25 – 26, 2010
Monterey, CA
In conjunction with
Internet Librarian
ProgramProgram [PDF]Speakers
PresentationsPrevious Internet@Schools ConferencesInternet Librarian 2010

Speaker Session(s)
[Click on session title to view details.]
Brooke Ahrens, Instructional Technology Coordinator, Notre Dame High School

Brooke Carey Ahrens is Google Certified Teacher and Instructional Technology Coordinator at a private bay area high school. She holds an MLIS and MA in Education from SJSU. Before focusing on Youth Librarianship in SJSU SLIS program, she worked as an English and Social Studies teacher for 11 years.

Sessions by Brooke Ahrens
10-26-2010   11:30 AM – 12:15 PM   S202: Mind your P's and Qs- Etiquette for the Digital Age

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