Speaker Session(s) |
[Click on session title to view details.]
| Richard Mellott, Resource Specialist, Glendale Unified School District | |
| 21 years as an educator, I've used computers in the classroom for various educational purposes, since 1988, when it was Reader Rabbit, Math Blasters, Number Munchers, and Carmen Sandiego. Now, I'm helping design an alternate reality game, working with googleearth, online applications like MyAccess.com, and whatever works to help bridge the gap for both students who learn differently (all of them), and teachers, as we creep into the 21st century. I've been an EETT Mentor teacher for three years, have taken over 300 staff development units on using the internet in the classroom, have a Technology Leader II certificate from Los Angeles County Office of Education, and have presented at quite a few conferences on Googlelittrips, and videoconferencing between the classroom and professionals. I'm also presenting on the integration of technology into special education settings. My website says it all. http://mrmellott1003.weebly.com |
Sessions by
Richard Mellott | 10-26-2009
1:15 PM – 2:00 PM
S103: Videoconferencing: Bringing Professionals to Your Classroom |