Evolving in New Directions
Speaker Presentations
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Sunday, April 7, 2013Monday, April 8, 2013Keynote Presentations Evolving Community Engagement: What Would Amazon & Google Do? |
A: Discovery, Navigation, & Search A101: Super Searcher Secrets | A102: Exposing the Information Landscape | A103: Top Tips From Top Searchers | A104: Improving Search & Discoverability of Digital Content | A105: Mobile Discovery & Search |
| B: Web Presence B101: 15 Web Trends for 2013 | B102: Seven Deadly Sins of Websites | B103: New Web Tech: Upping the Online Game | B104: Web Technologies & User Engagement | B105: LibGuides: Sustaining & Embedding Strategies |
| C: Emerging Trends C101: Making Libraries: Getting into the Hardware Biz | C102: Innovative Technologies | C103: Augmented Reality & Next-Gen Libraries | C104/C105: Libraries, Archives & Museums: Collaboration on a Large Scale |
| D: Issues & Challenges D101: BYOD: Bring Your Own Device | D102: Evolving Libraries: What's at Our Core? | D103: Innovative Library Tech: Practices & Services | D104: Metrics, Value, & Funding | D105: The Next Big Thing |
| E: Internet@Schools E101: To Flip or Not to Flip, That Is the Dilemma! | E102: There's an App for That: Using iPads and Apps in the School Library | E103: Nonfiction 2.0: Digital Extensions of Text to Support the Common Core | E104: Learning 2.0 and 23 Things in Schools | E105: Misinformation, Autopilot Thinking, and Credibility: Flexible Teaching Strategies for Information Evaluation Tasks |
| CyberTours CT-M1: Evolving Spaces: Tips & Insights | CT-M2: Public Library Strategy Trends | CT-M3: Tools for Tapping into Social Media | CT-M4: Producing Video for Website Impact! | CT-M5: iOS6 and iPhone 5 for Libraries | CT-M6: Academic Library Strategy Trends | CT-M7: Engaging Gay & Lesbian Teens in the Library |
Tuesday, April 9, 2013Keynote Presentations Libraries as Community Revitalizers |
Sunrise Sessions Enabling Innovation | Engaging the Young | Ebooks |
| A: Content Management A201: New Trends in Content & Resource-Sharing Tech | A202: We're in the Ebook Biz: Econtent & Epublishing Adventures | A203: Negotiating Econtent & Tech Licenses | A204: Institutional Repositories | A205: Digitizing Archives: Pecha Kucha Panel |
| B: User Experience B201: The Ideal User Experience | B202: Creating a Culture of Usability | B203: UX & Accessibility Pecha Kucha | B204: Mobilizing the User Experience (UX) | B205: Holistic UX: Applying Lessons From the Web Everywhere |
| C: Enterprise 2.0 & Information Services C201: Metrics That Work | C202: Success Does Not Equal Value | C203: [CANCELED] SharePoint Enterprise CM | C204: Road Maps to Latest CI & KM on LinkedIn | C205: Mobile Content in the Enterprise |
| D: Technology Under The Hood D201: Hacking 101: Protecting Sites & Visitors | D202: Out the Lamp | D203: Advances in Automation | D204: Video Streaming: To Stream or Dream | D205: In the Cloud: Virtual Desktop |
| E: Internet@Schools E201: 21st-Century Learning: Old-Fashioned and Newfangled Ways | E202: Build-a-Book Workshop-Starting Ebook Publishing at Your Library | E203: Meet the Common Core With "Meet the Candidates!" | E204: The Connected Life and the Library | E205: Open Educational Resources and the Open Web |
| Tuesday Evening Session Innovative & Awesome Tech |
| CyberTours CT-T1: Make your own API | CT-T2: Bringing Strategic Value to Your Collection | CT-T3: Partnering with IT | CT-T4: Git Started with Github | CT-T5: Digital Hangouts: Reaching Outside the Building |
Wednesday, April 10, 2013Keynote Presentations Uncertainty & Imagination: Evolving Libraries Through Technology |
A: Evolving Services A301: Change Without Pain? | A302: Services for Target Audiences | A303: Strategies for Service Support | A304: New Face of Reference | A305: Social Media & Advertising for Libraries |
| B: Innovation In Our DNA B301: Patron-Driven Acquisitions: Workflow & Perceptions | B302: SharePoint & WordPress: WIIF Faculty & Staff? | B303: Evolving Tech Services to Manage & Discover E-Resources | B304: There's an App for That! | B305: Blog Talk Radio: Connect, Collaborate, & Enthuse! |
| C: Measures & Managing C301: IT & Libraries | C302: Tools Providing Outcome Measures | C303: Inbound Marketing: Leading-Edge Tools | C304: Talent Management Strategies for Success | C305: Data: Digging Deeper & Displaying |
| D: Engaging Communities D301: Social Media for Customer Connections | D302: Becoming TechCentral | D303: Encouraging Reading in New Ways | D304: Teens: Cool Cases | D305: Engaging IT |
| E: Learning Is Our Business E301: Rethinking Digital Literacy for All Ages | E302: Literacy Lab: Bring Ed Tech Tools Into Class | E303: Academic Learning Models | E304: Staff Training: Experiments & Experiences | E305: A Multi-Channel Curriculum: It's Doable! |
| CyberTours CT-W1: Evolving Yourself: Renew, Reuse, Reinvent | CT-W2: Mobile Tech for Schools | CT-W3: Improving Literacies |
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