Rachel Singer Gordon is webmaster, LISjobs.com, and consulting editor at Information Today Inc., Books Division. She is the former Head of Computer Services at the Franklin Park Public Library, IL, and currently works as a freelance writer, editor, and presenter. Rachel has authored or edited eight books for librarians and information professionals, most recently What's the Alternative? Career Options for Librarians and Info Pros (ITI, 2008), Information Tomorrow: Reflections on the Future of Public and Academic Libraries (ITI, 2007), and The NextGen Librarian's Survival Guide (ITI, 2006). Among her other professional activities, Rachel is the "Accidental Library Manager" columnist for Emerald's Library Link; she was also the "Computer Media" columnist at Library Journal from 2002-2008 and coauthored "Tech Tips for Every Librarian" in Computers in Libraries magazine from 2006-2008. Other projects include Info Career Trends, a bimonthly professional development publication for librarians and info pros, and The Tech Static, a new technology review and collection development publication. Rachel speaks widely on topics from alternative careers to writing for publication to generational issues; for fee information, availability, and descriptions, email rachel@lisjobs.com. She blogs at The Liminal Librarian. For more information, see Rachel's full resume. |