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Conferences > Computers in Libraries 2008
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North America’s Largest Technology Conference & Exhibition for Librarians and Information Managers
Computers in Libraries 2008 April 7 - 9, 2008
Hyatt Regency Crystal City
2799 Jefferson Davis Highway Arlington, VA
Final Program with Presentation Links Speaker List Exhibitor List/Floor Plan
CIL 2008 Wiki InfoToday Blog Coverage Previous CIL Conferences
Internet@Schools East 2008
A CD-ROM is available for purchase through The Digital Record (
The CD-ROM features audio and supplemental materials (such as PowerPoint slides) for many of the sessions at Computers in Libraries.
Orders are shipped approximately 6 weeks after the event.

Cyber Tours
Monday, April 7
Best Tools & Techniques for Local Search
10:30 AM – 10:45 AM

Marcy Phelps, President, Phelps Research Inc. Author, Research on Main Street: Using the Web to Find Local Business and Market Information

Local search can be used for a wide range of purposes, from a simple contact look-up to comparing markets. This session covers some of the newest and unexpected resources for finding hidden online local information.

Business Info Online: Super Searcher Strategies
11:30 AM – 11:45 AM

Mary Ellen Bates, Principal, Bates Information Services, Inc.

Author of six online research books, including Super Searchers Cover the World and Mining for Gold on the Internet, Bates provides tips for conducting business research online and staying current on new business and finance information.

Library of Congress Flickr Pilot
12:30 PM – 12:45 PM

Michelle Springer, Project Manager, Digital Initiatives, Library Of Congress

Join Flickr members and comment, tag, and add notes to approximately 3,000 photographs from two photo collections with no known copyright restrictions. This pilot project hopes to make more people aware of photos in the Library’s collection and give them a better understanding of how social tagging and community input could benefit both users of collections and the LC. Hear more about the development and implementation of the pilot, including selection of photos, challenges, pilot goals, and experience to date.

Ten Seconds to Photo Perfection
1:00 PM – 1:15 PM

Cindi Trainor, Coordinator for Library Technology and Data Services, Eastern Kentucky University

Learn basic photo-editing skills that will let you tune your digital images like a pro—and see these skills in action online in Piknik and with Google’s Picasa. Use these simple tools to take your snapshots to the next level: perfecting the crop, lighting, and contrast. You can then publish your photos to the web or to your blog with the click of a button. All for free!

Extensive Service With Minimum Effort
1:30 PM – 1:45 PM

Samuel Johnson, Librarian, CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder)

This is a case study of a library within an organization that educates and serves its constituents and their families affected with AD/HD. It uses InMagic to help publish numerous newsletters, magazines, and newsfeeds and to maintain information portals. Hear how CHADD manages the information influx and provides flexibility for searching, reporting and configuring with minimal IT support.

Second Life's Info Island International
2:30 PM – 2:45 PM

Jill Hurst-Wahl, Director, LIS & School Media Programs, School of Information Studies, Syracuse University

This cybertour provides a quick intro to the resources and facilities available on Info Island International in Second Life. Seeing is understanding, so join us and view the main hub of the Info Island Archipelago, where libraries, educational institutions, and other cultural organizations reside. Come see where libraries, librarians, and library patrons are calling their virtual home.

LC's Teachers' Page
3:30 PM – 3:45 PM

LC's Teachers’ Page

Sherrie Galloway, Teacher in Residence, Educational Outreach, Library Of Congress

The Library of Congress, through its website, offers free public access to more than 11 million rare primary source materials, including maps, photographs, documents, films, sound recordings, and more. Learn about the Library’s Teachers’ page, crammed with innovative materials that bring the power of primary sources into the classroom.

Tuesday, April 8
Meet the ITI Editors
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM

This is an opportunity to meet the editors of Information Today, Inc.’s many publications: Dick Kaser from Computers in Libraries, Marydee Ojala from ONLINE, Barbara Brynko from Information Today, Robert Berkman from Information Advisor, Paula Hane from ITI’s NewsBreaks, and Barbara Quint from Searcher. The editors are on hand to offer brief presentations, followed by a Q&A forum for the readers to interact with the editors about editorial coverage, current topics of interest, and what readers would like to see in each of the publications.

Making Web 2.0/Library 2.0 a Reality
11:30 AM – 11:45 AM

Ross Singer

Open sharing of the data produced by Web 2.0 features such as tagging and building on the semantic relationships between library data, social networking add-ons, and other rich data sources are where the real benefits of Web 2.0 are realized. Hear about what libraries are doing and how they will be utilizing semantic web technologies to head toward Web 3.0.

Podcasting 101: Easy Audio Casting
12:30 PM – 12:45 PM

David W. Free, Editor-in-Chief, C&RL News, & Marketing & Communications Specialist, Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL)

Our experienced podcaster talks about podcasting—what is it and why librarians would be interested in this new technology and media. He illustrates the technology and provides examples and links of interest.

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WordPress: Webmaster's Paradise
1:30 PM – 1:45 PM

WordPress: Webmaster’s Paradise

Oleg Kreymer, Systems Librarian, Thomas J. Watson Library, The Metropolitan Museum of Art

This cybertour presents tips and techniques for using WordPress to build a library website. It discusses how to style a WP theme by modifying CSS and PHP files, how to easily make changes, how to work with PHP without any prior experience, and more. Technical background is NOT required!

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Personalizing Platforms for Scientific Discovery
2:30 PM – 2:45 PM

Armond S. DiRado, Account Development Executive, ScienceDirect

With the plethora of published information available, it is important that researchers are able to quickly and easily get the information relevant to their field of study. Online scientific research platforms can aid them by providing personalization features to alert them to favorite journal issues as soon as they are published. Using a case study, this session illustrates how personalization on online research platforms can help to accelerate scientific discovery.

Language Tools for Searching the Net
3:30 PM – 3:45 PM

Ran Hock, Principal, Online Strategies

With the declining status of English as the predominant language on the web, we need to take advantage of language tools available online, including translation capabilities for a rapidly increasing number of languages. Learn more about tools for searching in non-English and non-Western characters, language acquisition tools, and new tools such as Google Translate, with its very impressive ability to translate both your search query and the results.

Wednesday, April 9
Stories, Databases, & Info Management
10:30 AM – 10:45 AM

Lynn Dunikowski, Director of Library Services, College of Family Physicians of Canada

Through a case study of the College of Family Physicians of Canada, hear how you can build a library database using .net technology, and how it works well with databases populated by narrative: Family medicine is shared through stories from family physicians, patients, and their communities. Learn to promote your organization by "pushing " non-traditional content to diverse audiences.

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Wikis: A Beginner's Look
11:30 AM – 11:45 AM

Wikis: A Beginner’s Look

Chad Boeninger, Head of Reference & Business Librarian, Ohio University

Hear about great ways that wikis can be used in libraries and the information industry. Learn about resources for creating your own wiki and tips for making them successful in your environment.

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What to Do When Interface Design Goes Bad
12:30 PM – 12:45 PM

Jason A. Clark, Digital Initiatives Librarian, Head of Digital Access and Web Services, Montana State University Libraries

This cybertour looks at some common interface design mistakes and provides tips and easy solutions that can be put in place at your library. Learn how a dash of JavaScript here or a revised layout configuration there can make for an improved user experience and interfaces that don’t turn to the dark side.

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eBook Readers & eInk
1:00 PM – 1:15 PM

Michael P Sauers, Technology Innovation Librarian, Technology & Access Services, Nebraska Library Commission

If an ebook device can convince this book-loving skeptic to use it, there’s got to be something to it. The Sony eReader PRS500 is the next step in ebook technology featuring the near-print quality eInk technology, weighing in at only 8.8oz/250g and an iTunes-like interface for transferring content. Hear about this new technology and areas that still need to improve.

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Next-Generation Digital Libraries
1:30 PM – 1:45 PM

Jason A. Clark, Digital Initiatives Librarian, Head of Digital Access and Web Services, Montana State University Libraries

Want a glimpse at what the future might look like? Clark uses an example of a partnership with Montana PBS, various independent filmmakers, The Media/Theatre Arts Department at Montana State University, and Montana State University libraries to illustrate a next-gen digital library. He discusses how the library builds/programs/codes the site and has created a content management architecture (metadata, data preservation architecture).

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Media Sponsors:    
Computers in Libraries Information Today ONLINE Magazine
Searcher Magazine Multimedia & Internet@Schools Magazine Learning Partner:

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