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Magazines > Searcher > February 2003
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Searcher Magazine
VOLUME 11 • NUMBER 2 • February 2003 
The Magazine for Database Professionals

Market Research Aggregators
Marsha Fulton reviews three market research aggregators, ECNext,, and MindBranch, through taxonomy testing and content comparisons.

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The Environment, Part 3Click for full-text HTML version (free) from Information Today, Inc.!
In her last installment of this series, Barbie Keiser focuses on environmental science and research, covering the collection and analysis of data and the reports influencing national and international policies.

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Linking Services UnleashedClick for full-text HTML version (free) from Information Today, Inc.!
Jill Grogg and Christine Ferguson highlight four services that offer content- sensitive linking through the OpenURL framework: SFX, LinkFinderPlus,1Cate, and Journal Finder.

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National Commission on Libraries and Information Science: Why Not?Click for full-text HTML version (free) from Information Today, Inc.!
Each year the NCLIS seems to have to fight for its mere existence. Miriam Drake makes a case for why this commission needs to be fiscally supported and promoted.

Page 32
So You Want to Start a Syndicated Revolution: RSS News Blogging for Searchers
What's a blog? And what does RSS stand for? David Mattison answers these questions and more as he provides an overview of the software, tools, editors, aggregators, and search engines that are needed in this "brave new blogging world."
Page 38
From Bright Idea to Beta Test: The Story of LOCKSS
Chris Dobson tells the story of how HighWire Press' Vicky Reich found a way to keep online content from becoming "unpublished" through the creation of LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe).
Page 50

A Primer in Information Economics
Through a multitude of perspectives, Daphne Raban traces the growth of information sharing, copying, and distribution, which has led to the expectation that what's on the Internet should be free.

Page 54
Content Analysis, Part 2
Marc Solomon continues his series by discussing how the value of the content analysis being sought does not easily fit into standard "value add" formulas, but needs to follow a different approach.
Page 66
Searcher's Voice Click for full-text HTML version (free) from Information Today, Inc.!
"What the 'L?'" bq asks, wondering how information professionals can impact what the word librarian will come to mean in the years — and technology advances — ahead. 
Page 6
Tools of the Trade
Sheri Lanza tells how a new piece of software, WinDates, will keep you from ever again missing an important business meeting, date, or doctor's appointment.
Page 60
Leading Libraries 
Doris Helfer updates the status and issues involved in the evolving virtual reference aspect of libraries. 
Page 63
Web Wise Ways
Jill Ann Hurst and David Oldenkamp review the Ethnic NewsWatch database, designed to meet the information needs of Americans from a variety of ethnic, minority, and native backgrounds.
Page 72
Contacts Page 75
Index to Advertisers

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