19 No. 4 — Jul/Aug 2005 |
Special Report
Black History Project Wins 2005 Libraries Change
Lives Award By Jessica Dye
Librarians often make the extra effort to reach
out to the groups within their communities that
are traditionally overlooked. When they do, they
deserve recognition—and a round of applause
couldn’t hurt, either.
The Libraries Change Lives Award, sponsored
by the Library + information Show (LiS)
and organized by CILIP: the Chartered Institute
of Library and Information Professionals, is
currently in its 13th year, having been established
in 1992 to honor one United Kingdom library each
year for initiating an exceptional community
outreach program. This year’s winner is
the Northamptonshire Black History Project, a
collaboration between the Northamptonshire
Racial Equality Council, the Northamptonshire
Libraries and Information Service, and other
agencies to promote their common goals of community
literacy and an understanding of local cultural
Northamptonshire’s history, like most
of Western history, has been dominated by images
of white, aristocratic men, with minorities being
largely relegated to the background. But a small
group of citizens in this rural U.K. county knew
that there had to be something (and someone)
more. Back in the 1980s, they began digging through
local historical records to find the untold stories
about Northamptonshire residents of Asian,
African, and Caribbean origin. What they discovered
was a rich legacy that spanned nine centuries,
and so the Northamptonshire Black History Project
was born, and the library was invited to be one
of the partners. Volunteers methodically documented
their findings in order to create a comprehensive
historical archive that now includes 660 references
from county records going as far back as the
12th century, an oral history archive containing
more than 185 interviews, and record collections
for 11 local black community organizations.
The project also partnered with local schools
(and the Northampton Town Football Club) to bring
a heightened awareness of cultural diversity
and racial tolerance into the classroom. Students
learned the stories of black historical figures
with the help of the Black History Project’s
archives. By giving people a compelling new reason
to explore the library’s resources, the
project has made the library and its archives
a main focal point for locals looking to understand
Northamptonshire’s racial past and present.
According to Nigel Thomas, who chaired the judging
committee for this award, “Northamptonshire’s
Black History Project is proving how vision and
commitment has [sic] changed and enhanced
the lives of individuals whose history has been
forgotten and unacknowledged for years.”
Carolyn Abel, the program’s director,
has tied this grass-roots initiative even more
closely to the community by involving a number
of different organizations. Headed by the Northamptonshire
Racial Equality Council, the Black History Project
secured funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund
and other agencies, and collaborated with the
Northamptonshire Libraries and Information Service,
local government and record offices, a university,
a museum, and several county black organizations.
According to CILIP’s press release, the
Northamptonshire Black History Project attempts
to reverse historic discrimination, celebrate
cultural diversity, and enhance the lives of
local individuals and communities. As the 2005
winner of the Libraries Change Lives Award, this
project’s leaders received £4,000
(approximately $7,200 U.S.) to continue and expand
its work.
Two Other Projects Also Recognized
Two runners-up were also recognized at LiS
and awarded £1,000 ($1,800) apiece. The
first, It’s My Life, is a partnership between
Enfield Disability Action and Enfield Libraries
that helps adults with learning disabilities
by providing computer skills training that enabled
each of them to create their own life-story book.
The other runner-up was the New Horizons Estate
Reading Campaign. Based in Islington, one of
England’s poorest and most densely populated
boroughs, this project aimed to increase a general
interest in reading by opening small, informal
libraries in the middle of five of Islington’s
most impoverished housing projects. By making
new, donated books easily accessible and eliminating
fines, the New Horizons Estate Reading Campaign
has provided a low-cost and convenient library
experience to approximately 900 underprivileged
people each year since 2003.
What the Award Is Really All About
The CILIP/LiS Libraries Change Lives
Award rewards libraries that go above and beyond
their normal service to address inequalities
within their communities. In the past, winners
have included The Mobile Library Travellers’ Project
(a library on wheels serving the nomadic Traveller
community, 2004), eye2eye (helping to provide
computer technology and training for the visually
impaired, 2003), and the Big Book Share (allowing
prisoners to connect with their families through
reading, 2002).
Judges’ chair Thomas stated that the Black
History Project provides “a fantastic example
of how libraries can partner community-led initiatives
and serves as a model which can be replicated
in libraries across the country.” By giving
winners international exposure in addition to
the cash prize, the award helps make other librarians
aware of their own potential for new and engaging
ways to serve their communities.
The award was presented by renowned British
poet and author Benjamin Zephaniah at LiS’s
16th annual convention this past April in Birmingham,
U.K. CILIP, which organizes the judging and awards
process, is the U.K.’s largest organization
for library and information specialists. The
Library + information Show, the award’s
sponsor, is run by VNU Exhibitions Europe (formerly
Imark Communications). LiS and CILIP have
already announced that next year’s Libraries
Change Lives Award will carry more prize money—£5,000
for the winner and £2,000 for each runner-up.
Entries for the next award will be accepted beginning
in September, the shortlist will be announced
in February, and prizes will be awarded during
next year’s Library + information
Show, which takes place April 26–27, 2006,
in Birmingham.
Jessica Dye is the
editorial intern for several Information Today,
Inc., publications, including MLS and Information
Today. A recent graduate from Princeton University,
she has spent many hours in libraries of all kinds.