Meet the Editors In a new column for 2009, Lauree Padgett takes an up-close look at the editors behind the many publications at Information
Today, Inc. |
Sheri Lanza
The Cyberskeptic's Guide to Internet Research
Bob Berkman
The Information Advisor
Although many ITI publications have seen slight modifications or even major makeovers in their histories, these two newsletters have kept the same focus since the first issue. For Cyber, it’s always been about helping power searchers use the internet as a cost-effective research tool. For Info Advisor, the goal is to identify, compare, and recommend business information sources from the internet and from traditional fee-based vendors.
READ MORE - "Sheri Lanza and Bob Berkman: Guiding Users of Information Services" [PDF] |
Hugh McKellar
KMWorld - Covering the latest in Content, Document and Knowledge Management
KMWorld Conference
has carved a niche for itself in today’s marketplace. McKellar has an interesting
take on the topic. “Knowledge
management isn’t an application, it’s an
attitude,” he says. With that in mind, he
says the magazine focuses on “the technologies
and best practices that enhance
organizational and employee performance,
efficiency, collaboration and innovation.”
READ MORE - "Hugh McKellar: Riding the KMWorld Wave" [PDF] |
 Dave Hoffman
Multimedia & Internet@Schools - The Educators' Guide to Electronic Tools and Resources for K-12
Hoffman says that
in addition to providing the information,
curriculum, and technology resources
that are the “purview” of the library
media specialist, Multimedia & Internet@Schools also covers the
resources that aid educators in such
areas as assessment, professional development,
and safety and security.
READ MORE - "Dave Hoffman and MMIS: Bringing Tech to School" [PDF] |
 Marydee Ojala
ONLINE - Exploring Technology & Resources for Information Professionals
For Ojala, the key to ONLINE’s staying power is simple. “We strive for nonbiased, objective coverage of the events, products, and industry developments that affect information professionals.”
READ MORE - "ONLINE and Off: Marydee Ojala is Always Searching" [PDF] |
David Myron
CRM (Customer Releationship Management) Magazine
Speech Technology Magazine
CRM Evolution and SpeechTEK Conferences
Myron believes that his publications’ “hardworking editorial teams, our ambitious coverage of the markets that we follow, [and] our connections to some of the brightest and most influential people in their respective industries” give CRM and Speech Technology their niches in the ITI realm. He also notes that both magazines have a “relentless commitment to helping companies improve customer relationships and profitability.”
READ MORE - "David Myron: Evolutionary Road Warrior" [PDF] |
 Kathy Dempsey
MLS - Marketing Library Services newsletter
Dempsey describes her publication as a “newsletter [that] helps librarians and other information professionals learn to promote their organizations and their own expertise. It covers marketing, promotion, advocacy, public relations, advertising,program planning, fundraising, and the like.”
READ MORE - "Kathy Dempsey: Marketing to Keep Libraries Going" [PDF] |
 Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen
Streaming Media Magazine (US & European editions)
Streaming Media Europe Conference
Streaming Media covers the realm of online video. The bimonthly magazine also covers audio, focusing on technical how-to articles and business strategies. Eric explains: “Our purview includes both consumer-facing video sites (YouTube, Hulu, TV.com) and the use of internet video in enterprise, government, education, and healthcare organizations.”
READ MORE - "Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen: Streaming is Boss" [PDF] |
 Michelle Manafy
EContent Magazine
Intranets Newsletter
Enterprise Search Sourcebook
“All of my publications are targeted at enterprise applications,” she says. “Our readers are line of business managers, decision-making executives, and knowledge and information professionals.”
READ MORE - "The Enterprising Michelle Manafy" [PDF] |
 Victoria (Tory) Cox Kaser
and Dick Kaser
Computers in Libraries
First and foremost, “CIL is by librarians for librarians and about technology all the time,” says Tory. What makes CIL unique among ITI’s publications is its focus. While the editors suggest the editorial focus for each issue, the readers are the ones who drive the content and have the input about what is important. The Kasers maintain that this reader-driven content approach is different from other ITI publications where the editors drive the content. “I love the voice of the publication,” says Dick. “It’s genuine, authentic, and sincere.” And he also thinks “Librarians are really cool.”
READ MORE - "CIL: It Takes Two, Baby" [PDF] |
 Stephen Nathans-Kelly
EventDV Magazine
“EventDV is a business and technology trade magazine for professional event, wedding, and corporate videographers. Most of our readers run their own independent studios, ranging from small operations doing 10–15 weddings per year to much larger studios that shoot 100–200 sports or school events.”
READ MORE - "Getting on Track with Stephen Nathans-Kelly" [PDF] |
 Barbara Quint
Searcher Magazine
“Ten times a year, Searcher’s readers—librarians and information
industry professionals—read
a mix of practical, hands-on advice on key
sources and key tools along with overviews
and commentary on key issues affecting
our field. The advice extends from columns
on open web sources, commercial pay-for-use
services, hardware and software used
by info pros, legal issues, etc. Articles cover
the full gamut of issues in the field.” Quite
modestly, she says, “And to cap it all off,
there’s my own opinionated column, Searcher’s
Voice, now available in podcast form for masochists everywhere.”
READ MORE - "bq: The Quintessential Searcher" [PDF] |