> Internet Librarian 2007 |
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The Internet Conference and Exhibition
Librarians and Information Managers
Monterey, CA • October 29-31, 2007
Monterey Conference Center |
A CD-ROM is available for purchase through The Digital Record (www.digitalrecord.org).
The CD-ROM features audio and supplemental materials (such as PowerPoint slides) for many of the sessions at Internet Librarian/Internet@Schools. |
General Conference — Wednesday, October 31st |
KEYNOTE — Future of Search
9:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. - San Carlos Ballroom
Danny Sullivan, Editor-in-Chief, Search Engine Land
This session, by one of the world’s leading “search engine gurus” and Internet pioneers, examines how things have changed in the search space, as
the major search engines get both vertical, personal, and expand into areas beyond search. He discusses the implications of the evolving changes
for Internet librarians and gives us some insight as to what to expect next year.
General Conference — Wednesday, October 31st
San Carlos Ballroom
Track A: Search Engines
Search engines (SEs) rule the information world. Hear the latest on harnessing
their power and what to expect in the future, get tips and inside
insights to thoughts and speculations. Join us for a fast-paced learning
Moderated by Greg Notess, Search Engine Showdown |
Coffee Break — Visit the Exhibits
9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. |
Session A301 — Alternative & Customized SEs
10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Mary Ellen Bates, Bates Information Services, & Author, Building and
Running a Successful Research Business
This tip-filled session from an experienced super searcher focuses on less well-known search engines. It highlights advantages of using these search
engines as well as how to roll your own search engine and customize it for
your audience. Some of the SEs covered include Clusty, Exalead, Rollyo,
Yahoo! Search Builder, Google Co-op, Swiki, Gigablast Custom Topic
Search, and more. |
Session A302 — Search Engine Strategies
11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Greg Notess, Search Engine Showdown
The Web, the search engines, and new social content continue to change
rapidly and present new challenges for searchers. Hear from our expert
how search engines are responding to the new online world and techniques
and strategies for finding new and unusual content. |
Lunch Reception in the Exhibit Hall
12:15 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. |
Session A303 — Keeping One Click Ahead: Best of ResourceShelf
1:45 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Gary Price, Director, Online Resources, Ask.com, & Publisher,
Keeping up with all the changes in our industry and one step ahead of our
clients is one of the info pros’ biggest challenges. Our expert shares his
top tips and techniques from the search and search engine world to equip
you with what you need to stay in step with our fast-changing online information
world. |
Session A304 — Topic Maps: What Works and What Doesn't?
2:45 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Jay Van Eman, Access Innovations
Representation of information by topic maps, ontologies, or a combination of both, holds promise for 'findability' of not only textual, but visual (images and streaming media)data. Do you rely on metadata or search a digitized stream? More important are the relationships among concepts, topics, occurrences, scope, associations, or resources that allow a search engine to draw inferences that are intrinsic to human thought processes, but not always obvious to a computer. Hear about the issues and options! |
General Conference — Wednesday, October 31st
Steinbeck Forum
Track B: Content Management (CM)
From music to maps, mashups are popping up all over, serving up delicious
new content for Web site visitors. Learn more about designing and
integrating compelling content to create mashups and new products and
services for your clients. Learn more about what’s hot in RSS and also
about content management systems and their use in libraries.
Moderated by Richard Hulser, Amgen |
Coffee Break — Visit the Exhibits
9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. |
Session B301 — Mashups & Data Visualizations:
New Breed of Web Applications
10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Darlene Fichter, Head, Indigenous Studies Portal, University of
Web 2.0 is opening the doors to tools and toolkits for do-it-yourself (DIY)
programming that requires no knowledge about programming. Find out
what mashups are and how libraries are making use of them to create rich,
new information services and content. Look at some of the intriguing and
robust new data visualization tools, such as IBM’s alphworks, swivel, gapminder
(bought by Google), etc. that can put the power of spreadsheets
online for everyone in your organization to present their information as tag
clouds, bar and pie charts, bubble maps, and more. Learn new tricks from
this presentation. |
Session B302 — What’s Hot with RSS!
11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Steven Cohen, Senior Librarian, Law Library Management Inc., & Creator, Librarystuff.net
Without RSS, most of the tools that we enjoy using in the 2.0 Web world
wouldn’t exist. RSS is still the dominant force for assisting users in keeping
up with the huge volume of content that suits their needs. It can also be a
viable resource for following up on research. Join our expert for a lively and
fun session on how to use RSS effectively in the workplace. He shares his
tips and tricks for customizing and personalizing your RSS experience. |
Lunch Reception in the Exhibit Hall
12:15 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. |
Session B303 — Folksonomies and Tagging:
Libraries & the Hive Mind
1:45 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Tom Reamy, Chief Knowledge Architect, KAPS Group
With the advent of social software and Web 2.0, users are adding metadata
and using tags to organize their own digital collections, categorize
the content of others, and build bottom-up classification systems. This session
focuses on the grassroots organizational scheme that has come to
be known as a folksonomy. What are the benefits of folksonomies as
opposed to traditional classification schemes and what are the disadvantages?
Where does the folksonomy fit in the future of your library? How
are libraries implementing tagging and folksonomies today? Why do we
need to be aware of this increasingly popular Web innovation? Gain insight
and ideas about user-based tagging. |
Session B304 — Content Management Systems (CMSs)
2:45 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Ruth Kneale, National Solar Observatory, ATST Project
Amy Radermacher, Reference/Cataloging/Electronic Resources
Librarian, Concordia University
May Chang, Head, Library IT Services, UMBC Library,
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
After years of maintaining a distributed set of Web sites by hand using
emacs, Kneale evaluated several Web CMSs, including installing local versions,
chaired a user committee on new tool usability, then implemented
the chosen CMS. Kneale shares the ups and downs, the lessons learned,
and how the final implementation went. Then two university librarians share
their experiences with developing and maintaining their library’s Web site
within the campus Web CMS. They discuss the pros and cons of participating
in that particular campuswide initiative, the different approaches,
and negotiating the political realities. Learn more about working within the
confines of a campuswide CMS and efforts to incorporate Web 2.0 applications
and services. |
General Conference — Wednesday, October 31st
DeAnza III
Track C: Digital Libraries, Systems, Operations
Using new tools, systems, and strategies to thrive in the Web 2.0 world,
our speakers provide practical advice, ideas, and working examples of digital
libraries, systems, and operations.
Moderated by Donna Scheeder, Law Library of Congress |
Coffee Break — Visit the Exhibits
9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. |
Session C301 — Trends in Mobile Tools & Applications for Libraries
10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Megan Fox, Web & Electronic Resources Librarian, Simmons College
This popular fast-paced overview of the current hardware available and how
new technologies are making hand-held computers not just palatable but
preferable for on-the-go users. Fox highlights the latest developments in
applications for mobile and hand-held tools and how these can and are being
utilized by libraries and information seekers of all kinds. Come hear what’s
happening with traditional information vendors and mobile interfaces, the mobile optimized Web, point-of-need answers, reference texting, and multimedia
(such as podcasting and location-free TV) for your mobile device. |
Session C302 — Designing an OPAC for Web 2.0
11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Casey Bisson, Software Developer & Information Technologist,
Plymouth State University
This session looks at the World Wide Web as a “disruptive technology”
and how the Web affects libraries and our users. What role do Web technologies
and concepts such as social software, Web 2.0, search engines,
RSS, XML, and AJAX have in libraries? How can libraries catch up to user
expectations of our online services? How can we reinvent the OPAC to
take advantage of these technologies? Come and hear answers to these
and other questions! |
Lunch Reception in the Exhibit Hall
12:15 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. |
Session C303 — Tech Tools for Library Outreach
1:45 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Chad F. Boeninger, Reference & Instruction Technology Coordinator,
Ohio University
Paul R. Pival, Distance Education Librarian, University of Calgary
This session will focus on the use of Web technologies and social software
to extend the reach of the librarian into the patron’s virtual user space.
Boeninger, a business subject specialist on a residential college campus,
and Pival, a distance education librarian at a large doctoral institution,
demonstrate their personal experiences in using various tools (wikis, blogs,
RSS, meebo widgets, Facebook, IM, social bookmarking, screencasts,
Skype, and podcasts) to communicate with their individual library user
communities. These tools, whether used individually or collectively, can
help a librarian to be more effective at serving the patron community while
at the same time making the librarian’s job easier. |
Session C304 — Living Larger: Taking Your Killer
App Beyond Libraries
2:45 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Eloisa Gomez Borah, Reference & Instructional Services Librarian, &
Tim Carlson, Programmer, Anderson Computing & Information
Services, UCLA
The usual route of automation in libraries is in-bound. Software applications
are identified from functions elsewhere and acquired for library use,
such as call center software into our chat reference services; or, they are
adapted in a major way to library operations, such as database management
systems into our online public access catalogs (OPACs). The eLibrarian
2.0 system was created to enhance and better manage the overwhelming
demand faced by our successful online reference service,
eLibrarian, and the resulting software system was unlike anything in use
at that time. The success of this smart Q&A and knowledgebase management
system, now re-branded ASKME Manager, received wide recognition
and resulted in parallel system roll-outs in support of several other
organizational functions beyond the library, such as in Admissions, Student
Affairs, and other program offices. We will provide details of this
uncommon transition from eLibrarian 2.0 to ASKME Manager. |
General Conference — Wednesday, October 31st
DeAnza I & II
Track D: Games, Videos, & Libraries
The bottom line for all of us is productivity, but who says it can’t be fun?
Hear how gaming can be used in many ways in libraries, how virtual worlds
are being used today and could develop in the future, how communities
are being built online, and also how gadgets can impact your world!
Moderated by Aaron Schmidt, North Plains Public Library |
Coffee Break — Visit the Exhibits
9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. |
Session D301 — Gaming & Libraries: Engaging Strategies
10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Jenny Levine, Internet Development Specialist & Strategy Guide,
American Library Association
Creating engaging strategies for different segments of your community is
always a challenge. Our speaker, a talented gamer and long-time blogger,
shares her thoughts on using gaming to attract and engage library users.
Be prepared for exciting new ideas and insights. |
Session D302 — World of Warcraft Versus Second Life
11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Liz Lawley, Director, Rochester Institute of Technology,
Lab for Social Computing & Mary Auckland, Independent Consultant
Lori Bell, Director of Innovation, Alliance Library System &
Cindy Hill, Principal, Hill Information Research Group & former Manager, Sun Digital Libraries & Research
Hear how dedicated users of World of Warcraft and Second Life feel about
their virtual worlds and communities, their strategies, and how they see
these games impacting libraries in the future.
Lunch Reception in the Exhibit Hall
12:15 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. |
Session D303 — Do You Need a Videographer?
1:45 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Nick Baker, Reference and Web Services Librarian,
Williams College Libraries
In today's 2.0 world do you need a video expert on your staff? Can you
use YouTube to market your library and it's services? Our speaker, an
award winning YouTube producer has the answers. Have you seen his
YouTube videos — March of the Penguins & The L-Team? He will share his
secrets and inspire you to create your own videos. |
Session D304 — Running a Gaming Program When You Can’t Tell
the Difference Between an X-Box & a Game Cube
2:45 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Josh Weiland, Webmaster & unofficial gaming guru, &
Maryann Mori, Teen Services Librarian, Evansville Vanderburgh
Public Library
This session focuses on the how, why, when and where of gaming programs.
It covers everything from finding gaming answers to understanding
the nitty-gritty details of collaborations, funding ideas, operating guidelines,
and more. It provides novices with the confidence to start a gaming
program, and it gives gaming fans the insights they may need to convince
their reluctant librarians or administrators to try a gaming program. It provides
an easy-to-remember/easy-to-use guideline that provides tips, advice,
information and directions for conducting electronic gaming programs in
libraries. Get ready to start playing! |
Steinbeck Forum
3:45 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Gaming, Learning, & the Information World
Elizabeth Lane Lawley, Director, Rochester Institute of Technology, Lab for Social Computing |
Information professionals have always been balanced at the center between knowledge, technology, and people. In our fast-paced world we need
to find ways to integrate our activities into our clients’ and communities’ work flows and lives — and we have to make it fun and easy! Lawley looks
ahead at the opportunities and challenges associated with the new social technologies and practices, discusses recent research and trends, and
provides thought-provoking insights for us as we plan for the future. |
Bring your Halloween costume and impress your
colleagues! Wait until you see our closing keynote
speaker, Liz Lawley, in her costume! |