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Conferences > Internet Librarian 2006
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Internet Librarian 2006 Home The Internet Conference and Exhibition for
Librarians and Information Managers

Monterey, CA • October 23-25, 2006
Monterey Conference Center
Integrated Experiences: Compelling Content Combinations
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The CD-ROM features audio and supplemental materials (such as PowerPoint slides) for many of the sessions at Internet Librarian. Orders are shipped approximately 6 weeks after the event.

General Conference — Tuesday, October 24th
Track A: Integrating Content Track B: Enterprise Web Strategies & Tools
Track C: Digital Repositories Track D: Social Computing
Tuesday Evening Session: Scholarship in Chaos!
KEYNOTE — Challenges of Cyberinfrastructure & Choices for Libraries
9:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. • San Carlos Ballroom
Clifford Lynch, Executive Director, Coalition for Networked Information

The National Science Foundation has a cyberinfrastructure vision for 21st-century discovery. The new Web 2.0 platform holds many possibilities for the information world. Lynch discusses the implications and impact and provides insights for libraries, information services, information professionals, and their communities.
General Conference — Tuesday, October 24th
• De Anza I •

Track A: Integrating Content: CM & Mashups for Libraries
From music to maps, mashups are popping up all over, serving up delicious new content for Web site visitors. Learn more about designing and integrating compelling content to create mashups and new products and services for your clients and see lots of examples of existing mashups.

Moderated by Richard Hulser, Amgen
Coffee Break — Visit the Exhibits
9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Session A201 — What’s a Mashup & Why Would I Want One?
10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Darlene Fichter,
Data Library Coordinator, University of Saskatchewan

A “mashup” mixes content from independent sources to create something new. Many mashups are simple to create and require little technical know-how, allowing Webmasters of all sorts to put on their creative thinking cap. Jump on board and take a tour of interesting mashups, including library mashups, and explore the opportunities for libraries and how to remix library and other content to create new and innovative services. Take away tools that you can use to build mashups, for users or yourself, and recommended sites to learn more.
Session A202 — Mashup Mind-Set: Designing Compelling Content
11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Tom Reamy, KAPS Group

There are three essentials to creating a content-rich integrated experience: a good semantic foundation, a complex set of content evaluation rules, and smart feedback. The semantic foundation consists of taxonomies and vocabularies, the right metadata, and a structured representation of audiences. The content evaluation rules need to be flexible enough to help evolve your content rather than just set up a static collection of content. The last item looks at how to get better feedback on the way users are evaluating your content, how they are finding your content, and why they are using your content. Compelling content creation needs to be viewed not just as a library of content or a standard portal Web site, but more as a lifeform. This session blends ideas from library science, cognitive science, and complexity theory with a strong foundation in basic information systems design and information architecture to present a novel way of organizing and growing your integrated content creation.
Lunch Break—A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.
Session A203 — Mashup Applications
1:15 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Chris Deweese, Internet Applications Developer, Lewis & Clark Library System (LCLS)
John Blyberg, Ann Arbor District Library (AADL)

Deweese talks about creating a mashup with Google Maps to visually show the LCLS delivery routes to member libraries. Providing access and availability to large reservoirs of data allows users to benefit from these resources while also promoting the development of creative new tools that interface with our systems. Blyberg discusses the “developer’s OPAC” — a set of publicly available tools that provide access to our catalogs, demonstrating the tools AADL has made available via XML/REST and the type of development the service has spawned.
Networking Break in the Exhibit Hall
2:00 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.
Session A204 — Delivering Individualized Library Content: Portals & the Future of Library Web Sites
2:45 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Tom Ipri, Connelly Library, La Salle University

Getting involved in its campus-wide portal project has allowed Connelly Library to integrate library services into its populations’ portal experience. LaSalle students use the portal on a daily basis and having a strong library presence ensures that they are aware of and have access to the many services offered. The library has found innovative ways to use HTML, RSS feeds, and open source software to strengthen and customize the library’s presence. The more that is brought into the portal, the more questions are raised about the function and future of the library’s Web site. Gain ideas from one university’s experience in bringing many useful functions to the portal with a very limited staff.
Networking Break in the Exhibit Hall
3:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Session A205 — Mashups in Action: Tools
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Justine Wheeler, MBA Librarian, &
Sharon Neary, Data Librarian, University of Calgary
Kathy Greenler Sexton, VP and Chief Marketing Officer, Highbeam Research Inc.

With the increasing popularity of mashups, many are discovering what data librarians have known all along: Data is powerful. Wheeler discusses alternative sources of data, which allow researchers to manipulate and extract data to correspond more closely with their needs. She includes free sites that support customization of data output, such as maps and charts; sites that provide data files; and data extraction tools that cover sociodemographic and business data in the U.S. and internationally. Spain talks about allowing researchers to create their own mashups, including packages of free and premium content, images, and more for their own personalized packages. He discusses the future work flow management tools that will enable researchers to better manage all levels of the research process.
General Conference — Tuesday, October 24th
• De Anza II •

Track B: Enterprise Web Strategies & Tools
This track focuses on strategies, tools, and practices by special librarians and information professionals within many different enterprises. It covers working with social software, collaboration spaces, integrating content, and more.

Moderated by Stephen Abram, VP, Innovation, SirsiDynix, & President Elect, SLA
Coffee Break — Visit the Exhibits
9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Session B201 — Determining and Communicating Value
10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Joe Matthews, Author, The Bottom Line: Determining and Communicating the Value

Have you assessed the value of your library and its services in the lives of your customers? The assessment of value is even more difficult as libraries provide desktop access to an increasing array of electronic resources. This session looks at the benefits potentially available to library customers, approaches used by different types of libraries — special, academic and public, and discusses ways to gather customer outcome data along with the use of the balanced scorecard as a way to communicate the library’s value to its various stakeholders and funding decision makers.

Session B202 — Information Skills & Enterprise Collaboration
11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Christopher Connell, Institute for Defense Analysis (IDA)

Collaborative information technologies at the enterprise level present an exciting opportunity for librarians to share their skills and expertise in information organization, selection and delivery of value-added content, and integration of corporate information resources. This case study illustrates how library staff at IDA rose to the challenge and contributed widely to an information technology (IT) departmental initiative establishing an electronic collaborative work space for project teams and other functional groups within the organization. It covers project goals, implementation strategies, corporate culture, and the library’s creative use of platform tools and other resources to share information and make its point.

Lunch Break—A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.
Session B203 — Using Wiki Software in a Newsroom Environment
1:15 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Maureen Clements, National Public Radio (NPR)

This session looks at implementing an internal wiki to serve the information needs of the library as well as the diverse needs of the newsroom at NPR. It discusses the challenges of a small special library, including training (and convincing) reporters, producers, and editors to use wiki software when they may not understand the concept of social computing; managing a wiki when the resources are limited; and determining the type of content to include on the wiki site. It also covers wiki implementation lessons learned, marketing the wiki to the news staff, training tips, and a live demo.
Networking Break in the Exhibit Hall
2:00 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.
Session B204 — Web Lessons
2:45 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Pamela Clark, Director, Corporate R&D, AIG
Pamela Gore, Technical Analyst, HP Labs Research Library
Jenny Spadafora, Community Evangelist, Innovation Lab, Intuit

Filled with tips and techniques, this session focuses on key issues for info pros dealing with library Web sites, corporate intranet sites and blogging behind the firewall. Clark provides strategies for finding information and content on corporate Web sites. Gore illustrates how a well-planned, written, and organized FAQ improved user experience and library credibility. Spadafora discusses how combining blogs, wikis, bookmarks, feed, and other services using social software means working smarter, not harder.
Networking Break in the Exhibit Hall
3:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Session B205 — Intranet Content: Surfacing Full-Text News
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Barrett Jones, International Monetary Fund
Elena Maslyukova, World Bank

The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund are two separate institutions with separate technical infrastructures. Both institutions use Factiva for full-text news. The World Bank has taken one approach to integrating Factiva news feeds into its corporate intranet. The IMF has taken another approach. The two approaches tackle the same problem in very different ways and are described by speakers.
General Conference — Tuesday, October 24th
• De Anza III •

Track C: Digital Repositories
By leading the way in institutional digital repository implementation, libraries have an opportunity to move from being passive transfer agents of information to active partners in dissemination. As digital publishing technologies transform the structure of scholarly communication, libraries must be—and, in some cases are—setting the pace. Join us for a look at the issues, key components, and working examples of digital repositories.

Organized and moderated by D. Scott Brandt, Purdue University Libraries
Coffee Break — Visit the Exhibits
9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Session C201 — Repositories & Digital Initiatives
10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Frank Cervone, Information Technology Librarian, Northwestern University

Institutional digital repositories are all the rage, but not all repositories are created equal. Learn about the issues involved in setting up a repository, what software is available, how a repository works, and how it can substantially improve digital preservation. Through this step-by-step road map and looking at examples of repositories that have been implemented, you’ll leave this session understanding key issues related to repositories and libraries and ready to plan for your own.

Session C202 — Repositories in Action
11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Judi Briden, Digital Librarian, Public Services, University of Rochester
Marshall Breeding, Director for Innovative Technologies and Research, Vanderbilt University

Case studies in this session illustrate the diversity and similarities in repositories. Briden discusses developing UR Research, her university’s DSpace institutional repository, as well as it’s current state. Breeding highlights Vanderbilt’s Television News Archive. Join our speakers as they share their experiences, learnings, challenges, and more.

Lunch Break—A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.
Session C203 — Repository Essentials: From Soup to Nuts
1:15 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Roy Tennant, University of California, Berkeley

This session describes what's needed to create and manage an institutional repository, from software options to implementation models. It looks at the do's and don'ts of building a repository, highlights applications, and provides lots of tips and cautions.
Networking Break in the Exhibit Hall
2:00 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.
Session C204 — Repositories & the Impact on Digital Librarians
2:45 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
D. Scott Brandt, Purdue University Libraries

Purdue U librarians engage in library-science-based research in collaboration with university researchers to help support the university’s strategic research mission. Brandt discusses one large initiative, the development of a distributed institutional repository (DIR) to meet the needs of researchers who ask for help in organizing, storing, disseminating, and providing an opportunity to repurpose their data and research outputs in new and interesting ways. The DIR serves as a platform for carrying out research and honing skills, along with advancing the faculty’s progress in interdisciplinary research, negotiating grants, and funding. Brandt also talks about the new positions of data research scientists and research systems administrator, which support interdisciplinary research.
Networking Break in the Exhibit Hall
3:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Session C205 — Partnerships in Archiving
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Dan Avery, Technical Product Manager, Archive-It &
Molly Bragg, Partner Specialist, Internet Archive
Julia Daniel, Public Services Librarian & Webmaster, University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI)
Everyl Yankee, CEO, Yankee Ingenuity

At the forefront of archiving and preserving the Web, the Internet Archive is working with partners such as the Library of Congress, the U.S. National Archives, and other national libraries worldwide, and the IIPC (International Internet Preservation Consortium). Hanna and Bragg talk about the Archive-It Web archiving application developed by Internet Archive for use by smaller institutions such as state and university archives. The Webbased application enables organizations to build, manage, store, and search collections of archived Web pages. Daniel and Yankee discuss the process and tools used by UMTRI to provide a robust information services network for its researchers, partners, and collaborators, including a custom PHP open source content management system that uses the Institute’s newly designed faceted taxonomy and metadata scheme for precision search results.
General Conference — Tuesday, October 24th
• Steinbeck Forum •

Track D: Social Computing
As Newsweek reported, social computing is putting the “we” in the “Web.” Using technology to humanize our libraries is important, exciting and rewarding. The examples of social software tools and applications you’ll hear about are sure to inform as well as inspire. With the skills you’ll pick up over the next two days you’ll be able to enhance your library’s Web presence and engage your community.

Organized and moderated by Aaron Schmidt, Thomas Ford Memorial Library
Coffee Break — Visit the Exhibits
9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Sessions D201 & D202 — Podcasting & Videocasting
10:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Greg Schwartz, Louisville Free Public Library, & Publisher, Open Stacks Weblog
Jill C. Konieczko, Library Director, U.S. News & World Report
Sean Cordes, Assistant Professor, Iowa State University
Jeff Humphrey, Interactive Media Specialist, INCOLSA
David Free, Public Services Librarian, Georgia Perimeter College
David King, Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library

Playable on personal computers, PDAs and iPods (thus the “pod” in podcast), podcasts are inexpensive and easy to produce and distribute. This session starts with the basics of how to actually do podcasting, including the technology, software, etc. It then illustrates how various libraries are using podcasts for staff development, training, and learning. David King defines videocasting and provides examples, describes how to create and aggregate a videocast, and illustrates how a videocast can be used on a library Web site.

Lunch Break—A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.
Session D203 — Flickr & Libraries
1:15 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Michael Porter, OCLC Western
Fiona Hooten, National Library of Australia
Lluisa Nunez, Universitat de Barcelona
Michael Sauers, BCR

Flickr is a treasure-trove for library professionals interested in community, connections, innovative software applications, and marketing. With a strong library-centric focus, this session starts with a brief look at libraries and librarians with Flickr accounts and then explores the largest and most active library/librarian photo group on the Internet, the Flickr “Libraries and Librarians” group with more than 550 members on six continents and 2,600 images. Entertaining recorded stories share observations and comments from speakers on other continents, including how participation turned into a partnership that created a mashup between Google maps and images in the Libraries and Librarians Flickr Group. A dynamic demonstration of third-party Flickr applications using Open API/Ajax, as well as tips and tricks, round out the program. This is the ultimate library professional’s Flickr guide.
Networking Break in the Exhibit Hall
2:00 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.
Session D204 — MySpace & Facebook
2:45 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Aaron Schmidt, Thomas Ford Memorial Library
Cliff Landis, Valdosta State Library

Students are using social networking Web sites such as MySpace and Facebook to communicate with friends as well as finding popular movies to watch or books to read. These spaces for information-seeking behavior in students can be utilized by librarians for reference services and marketing. The Net Generation is adept at multitasking, so students can often be found studying and socializing at the same time. Schmidt talks about opportunities for using MySpace. Landis discusses how creating an Ask-A-Librarian group on Facebook, aimed at providing reference service at the point of need as well as being a marketing tool, telling students which services are available for their use both online and in the library.
Networking Break in the Exhibit Hall
3:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Session D205 — The RSS & JavaScript Cookbook: Creating One Stop
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Meredith Farkas, Norwich University
Paul R. Pival, Distance Education Librarian, University of Calgary

Once you have developed services for your patrons using social software tools, your job is only half-finished. Just as important is getting your patrons to actually learn about and use the tools. The key ingredients for getting patrons to look at your blog, instructional screencasts, links to journal tables of contents, and social bookmarked subject guides are RSS and
JavaScript, easy-to-use tools that are available in most social software applications. This session explores the uses of RSS and JavaScript in syndicating information from a variety of sources and presenting it on a single page. Using applications that are freely available online, users can create feeds, remix multiple feeds into a single integrated feed, and syndicate and publish any or all of the feeds onto a single page that acts as a onestop-shop for patrons. This page could be on your Web site, on a departmental or faculty Web site, or even within a course management system such as WebCT or Blackboard. By the end of the session, attendees will be able to create their own unique recipe using RSS and JavaScript.
Scholarship in Chaos! Flying High on the Web? or in Free Fall?
7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Organized by Barbara Quint, Editor, Searcher Magazine
Moderated by Rich Wiggins, Michigan State University
Anurag Acharya, Engineer, Google; Jay Girotto, Microsoft; Joris van Rossum, Head of Elsevier Scirus

Fifty years ago, the demands of an explosive increase in the quantity of sci-tech content posed a life-altering challenge to access tools. The response to that challenge ultimately led to the digital technologies we have today. Now, an explosion of delivery power in digital technologies could realize a dream of delivering all scholarly content to anyone anywhere in the world. But that same explosive power threatens to damage, even destroy, the traditional structure of scholarly publication. Will scholarly Web search engines replace traditional abstracting and indexing services? Will Open Access replace traditional publishers? Acting together, will the two replace academic libraries? A panel of players, including the people behind Google Scholar, Microsoft’s Windows Live Academic Search, and Elsevier’s Scirus, along with forward-looking representatives of traditional services, share their insights and answer your questions. You might even find out how to conduct a comprehensive author bibliography in the Third Millennium!

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