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Conferences > Internet Librarian 2005
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Internet Librarian 2005 Home The Internet Conference and Exhibition for
Librarians and Information Managers

Monterey, CA • October 24-26, 2005
Monterey Conference Center
Conference Overview Final Program FAQ
Exhibitor List Internet@Schools West Previous IL Conferences
A CD-ROM is available for purchase through The Digital Record (
The CD-ROM features audio and supplemental materials (such as PowerPoint slides) for many of the sessions at Internet Librarian. Orders are shipped approximately 6 weeks after the event.

General Conference — Tuesday, October 25th
Track A: Communities & Collaboration Track B: Driving Performance: Strategies
Track C: Planning for the Future Track D: Learning
Tuesday Evening Session: Google-brary
KEYNOTE — Social Computing & the Info Pro
9:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. — San Carlos Ballroom (Marriott)
Elizabeth Lane Lawley,
Director, Rochester Institute of Technology Lab for Social Computing, & Visiting Researcher, Microsoft Corp.

Information professionals have always been balanced at the center between knowledge, technology and people. Today, more than ever however, we need to find ways to integrate our activities into our clients' and communities' workflows and lives. There are opportunities and challenges associated with the new social technologies and practices and Lawley discusses recent research and trends which provide insights for us as we plan for the future.
General Conference — Tuesday, October 25th
Track A: Communities & Collaboration
Steinbeck Forum
Sessions in this track provide leading-edge tools and techniques, best practice case studies, and interactive discussion of collaborative technologies in library settings.
Moderated by Steven M. Cohen, Pub Sub &
Coffee Break — Visit the Exhibits
9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Session A201 — What’s Hot & New in RSS, Blogs, & Wikis
10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Steven M. Cohen,
Library Scientist, Pub Sub, & editor,

RSS, Weblogs, and wikis are rapidly changing the way we provide information to our consumers, work together in an organizational structure, and communicate. This session highlights cutting-edge tools and techniques for libraries, hot new trends, resources, and advice. Join our expert for insights and ideas.
Session A202 — Library Blogs—Ethics & Guidelines
11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Karen G. Schneider,
Director, Librarians’ Index to the Internet

Now that your library has a blog, RSS feeds, and incorporated a wiki into the mix, have you thought of the ethical considerations at play? Do you have guidelines for their use? Join a nationally recognized expert in ethical considerations concerning these areas and learn how you can make these tools work within a structured environment.
Lunch Break—A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
12:15 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Session A203 — Marketing the Weblog
1:30 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.
Jill S. Stover,
Undergraduate Services Librarian, James Branch Cabell Library, Virginia Commonwealth University

This fast-paced session features case studies of libraries that not only put up a Weblog on their library Web site, but took the extra step to market it so it was read by their constituencies, as well as those blogs which are attracting large audiences. Learn what the best features are for gathering readers as well as the best ways to market a Weblog (as well as RSS) in the library setting.
Session A204 — Blogging @ the University
2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Susan Herzog,
Eastern Connecticut State University

Is blogging at the university the latest fad or an innovative tool? Are you looking for quick, easy, and affordable vehicles to market academic library services? Do you need to publicize new databases, new books and media, or information literacy instruction? Don’t know HTML or don’t have the time or skills to create Web pages? Blogging is rapidly becoming the new PR tool for the savvy academic librarian. Discover why Harvard is studying blogs and how scholars are using blogs in their classrooms and as online research tools, vehicles for collaboration and academic publishing, and sites for academic discourse. This session, with live examples, focuses on the creative use of blogs in a variety of academic settings.
Networking Break in the Exhibit Hall
3:15 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Session A205 — Blogs & Wikis Face Off
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Steven M. Cohen,
Library Scientist, Pub Sub, & editor,
Jenny Levine,
The Shifted Librarian

This interactive session shows off blogs and wikis that the audience (both here and at home) have been working on all day and discusses the implications for collaborative work in libraries.
General Conference — Tuesday, October 25th
Track B: Driving Performance: Strategies

De Anza I
Sponsored by SLA, this series of presentations covers a range of issues facing Internet librarians today—dealing with information overload, blogging behind the firewall, leading knowledge management initiatives, and more.
Moderated by Janice LaChance, Executive Director, SLA
Coffee Break — Visit the Exhibits
9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Session B201 — People and Technology: Barriers & Strategies
10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Luan Tran,
Sr. Information Systems Specialist, Allergan Pharmaceutical Inc.
Jonathan Won,
Program Manager, Information Dissemination Initiative, Los Angeles County Department of Health Services

Gaining benefits from thinking holistically is one of the key recommendations from the seven tactical guidelines that Gartner, Inc. created after analyzing six county e-government strategies. Best practices, such as those detailed in the Gartner report, can help info pros better engineer online services for their target populations, as well as think beyond the box to enable enhanced functionality in both the public and private sectors. Hear suggestions for overcoming information dissemination barriers and dealing with information overload.

Session B202 — Blogging Behind the Corporate Firewall
11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Sabrina I. Pacifici,
Law Librarian, Editor/Publisher of LLRX.COM

Blogging is all the rage, but it can be serious "business" in terms of disseminating the latest updates for marketing and research purposes. Pacifici provides a pathfinder comprising a range of services, sources, and examples of successful implementations to help speed you on your way in creating, and more importantly, maintaining what can be a vital resource for your organization.

Lunch Break—A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
12:15 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Session B203 — The Design & Management of Great Information Services
1:30 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.
Matthew Manning,
VP Data Services, 365 Media, Inc.

Creating and managing world-class online news and reference information services involves many factors. Content quality is at least as important as having a great user experience, and creating both can be involved and expensive. Current best practices involve the following: the effective use of collaborative software platforms and offshore research teams to keep quality high while keeping costs low enough to offer the product at competitive prices; data normalization; proactive database updating via self-updating and news alerts that "push" updated information to directory/database managers; human interface designs that match usage patterns; effective/accurate search options; tools that integrate content into the workflow. Manning will examine how publishers and other online services managers are using all of these practices and more to build great products.
Session B204 — Document Rescue & Recovery for KM
2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Susan Braun,
Manager, Research Services, The Aerospace Corporation

As the corporation grays and the potential for loss of valuable knowledge looms, librarians at The Aerospace Corporation have embarked upon a major knowledge "rescue-and-recovery" effort. The team reviews and retrieves valuable corporate reports for digitization and entry into Aerolink, the LiveLink document management software application. It also digitizes content for reuse. This session focuses on the knowledge management (KM) processes implemented to preserve valuable internal scientific and technical knowledge and the role of librarians in those processes.
Networking Break in the Exhibit Hall
3:15 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Session B205 — Personal Knowledge Management (KM)
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Robert Berkman,
Editor, The Information Advisor

With the recognition that many traditional KM initiatives did not succeed as hoped, there has been increasing interest in shifting the focus of KM efforts from that of the organization as a whole to that of the individual knowledge worker. This approach, which is also being driven by employees' frustrations in dealing with the ever increasing amount of digital information on the their desktop, is called PKM. Berkman describes PKM, examines the role of info pros, identifies specific PKM strategies and tools, and illustrates with a case study of how info pros at one well known international organization got their own PKM project off the ground.
General Conference — Tuesday, October 25th
Track C: Planning for the Future

De Anza II
Planning for the future in an Internet world is challenging as our underpinning infrastructure, tools and technologies continue to change. Hear some leading edge stories and frameworks that may help you plan for the coming years.
Moderated by Stephen Abram, Sirsi Corporation
Coffee Break — Visit the Exhibits
9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Session C201 — Accelerating Planning
10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Rebecca Jones,
Dysart & Jones Associates, & Director, Professional Learning, Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto

Organizations know the importance of strategic and business planning, but struggle with getting time for staff to do this planning. Jones outlines a process by which libraries can complete plans in days rather than months and yet still engage staff, stretch thinking, and articulate specific steps to take towards their desired future.

Session C202 — Planning for the Future
11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Christie Koontz,
Research Associate, & Director, GeoLib Program, Florida State University

Today’s competitive environment demands that businesses know who and where their customers are. Our speaker reviews terms such as customers vs. users, products vs. library services, and product prices vs. library costs, as well as retail vs. library facility location. Geographic data is processed and facilitated through Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology that allows marketers to determine the socioeconomic and demographic profile of a geographic area and the surrounding regional population, as well as to create geographic market areas. This session is full of ideas from business as well as geographical and marketing data for information professionals to use in their future business decision-making.

Lunch Break—A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
12:15 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Session C203 — Net of the Future: Internet2 & Croquet
1:30 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.
Deb Hunt,
Marshall Breeding,
Vanderbilt University

Internet2 is a university-led effort to develop advanced network applications for research and education utilizing a high-performance computer network that provides bandwidth, responsiveness, and reliability that is far superior to the widely used commercial Internet. Hunt shares experiences developing Exploratorium media and exhibits for distribution over Internet2 and other insights about content challenges and future directions. Breeding reports on the Croquet project, an exciting new environment for collaboration and resource-sharing. Croquet gives us a preview of what the next generation of the Web could look like… "a combination of computer software and network architecture that supports deep collaboration and resource sharing among large numbers of users within the context of a large-scale distributed information system. Along with its ability to deliver compelling 3D visualization and simulations, the Croquet system’s components are designed with a focus on enabling massively multi-user peer-to-peer collaboration and communication."
Session C204 — Using XML for Wireless Access
2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Genie Tyburski,
Web Manager, The Virtual Chase &
Jing Zhao,
Web Developer, Ballard Spahr Andrews & Ingersoll, LLP

Wireless applications present new challenges for Web developers and content managers. Information designed for use on a PC doesn’t necessarily display well on a hand-held device. But with mobile information more in demand, libraries should consider making at least some of the information being provided available via wireless access. The Virtual Chase is working on a project to test the use of XML for delivering information to different devices, including various PDA brands and cell phones. Tyburski and Zhao will outline the goals of the project, explain why they chose XML over WML, summarize existing technical (and human) conditions, discuss the technology and software selected, and share the project’s success or failure to date.
Networking Break in the Exhibit Hall
3:15 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Session C205 — Planning for a Handheld Mobile Future
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Megan Fox,
Web & Electronic Resources Librarian, Special Projects Analyst for Administration and Planning, Simmons College

As more and more of our clients and staff members arrive at the library with mobile handheld devices, such as PDAs, iPods and smart phones, it is increasingly important for librarians to understand both the possibilities and the limits of providing content and services for small screen mobile devices. This session provides an overview of the current hardware available and how new technologies are making handheld computers not just palatable but preferable for on-the-go users. Fox highlights both what patrons are already doing on these tools — from text/instant messaging to local search for nearby restaurants and directions — as well as what libraries could be doing: mobile search (of the Web, the library catalog, or subscription databases); RSS news and other alerts (such as books coming due); podcasting and audio content.

General Conference — Tuesday, October 25th
Track D: Learning
De Anza III

Librarians, who have been classroom teachers and trainers for many years, are beginning to see the explicit need and relevance for using online learning to educate end users, students, and patrons. When you design or develop learning—whether passive or active, synchronous or asynchronous, online or face-to-face—a steep curve awaits you! There are so many approaches, techniques, and tools to learn about and investigate. This track helps you ride the leading curve of innovation and discovery by dealing with pressing issues and relevant applications for building and using online learning.
Moderated by D. Scott Brandt, Purdue Libraries
Coffee Break — Visit the Exhibits
9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Session D201 — Alternative Roles in Supporting Education Online
10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Athena Hoeppner,
Electronic Resources Librarian, University of Central Florida
Meredith Ault,
Project Manager & Content Librarian, UTOPIA Project, University of Texas Libraries

We start the day off looking at the wide swath of educational initiatives that can be carved out by libraries. Although important, information literacy isn’t the only aspect on which we focus our attention and energies. Presented here are two interesting projects from different ends of the spectrum. The first looks at linking libraries within course management systems—how much and what kind of information the library can provide access to, compared to course packs (the traditional supplement to course readings). The second is an ambitious university library online educational outreach initiative, called UTOPIA, designed to share the treasures of the University of Texas at Austin with the people of Texas, and beyond.

Session D202 — Creating Alternative Online CE
11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Rebecca Richardson,
Technology Trainer, Purdue Libraries
Jeff Humphrey,
INCOLSA, Interactive Media Specialist

Learning takes many forms—teaching, training, instruction, in-service and continuing education (CE). Often the approach taken depends on the audience, but what we apply to staff can often easily be applied to patrons and students, and vice versa. Here we look at two distinct approaches to learning —short, concise applications, and an alternative that takes a little more overhead. Online Quik Guides present simple ways to address small learning demands, and IP-based video addresses bigger CE needs.

Lunch Break—A Chance to Visit the Exhibits
12:15 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Session D203 — Web Tools for 21st-Century Learners
1:30 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.
Paul Pival,
Distance Education Librarian, University of Calgary
Sherri Vokey,
Remote Services Librarian, University of Nevada

As the number of courses offered at a distance continues to rise, so does the number of students studying in a blended environment, where at least some of their time is spent accessing course work from off campus. Many tips and tricks are shared by two distance education librarians who make use of free Web tools to offer quality support to their distance students. Learn how to magically insert up-to-date information into multiple courses in virtually any course management system; how to put a cross-platform chat tool such as Chatango or Skype in front of the students where they log in, instead of on the library homepage; how to help professors bookmark subject-specific pages from across the Web and present them on a course Web site or course management system using applications such as, Furl, or CiteULike. Pival and Vokey also outline strategies for creating current awareness services and e-learning opportunities for distance learners.
Session D204 — Developing Information Literacy Tutorials Online
2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Sharon Radcliff,
Reference and Instruction Librarian, Saint Mary’s College Library
May Chang,
Web Development Librarian, &
Carol Vreeland, NCSU Libraries

One of the big side issues in deploying an online application is whether to approach it with a proprietary or open source philosophy. Depending on the setting, we often don’t have much control over the online environment. Thus, two alternative approaches are contrasted here. The first discusses integrating information literacy into a subject area course in the curriculum within Blackboard. The second discusses a network of libraries using an open source content management system to develop a library tutorial with reusable learning objects.
Networking Break in the Exhibit Hall
3:15 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Session D205 — Designing Online Learning
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Gregory Szczyrbak,
Learning Technologies Services Librarian, &
Cheryl Lutz,
Millersville University
Rachel Zyirek,
Undergraduate Instruction Librarian, Babson College

Designers of online learning have huge challenges ahead of them—how do you design in spaces where you don’t have direct contact with individuals? How do you know what they think they want, or balance that against what you know they need? Our presenters give their views using two different platforms. First the pair looks at Captivate (formerly RoboDemo) to create online learning, then show how Camtasia is used in the creation of online tutorials as an increasingly important way to teach patrons.
Google-brary: The Status Quo of Tomorrow’s MEGALIBRARY
7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Organized by Barbara Quint, Editor, Searcher Magazine
Moderated by Stephen Abram, VP, Innovation, SirsiDynix

Mark Sandler,
Collection Development Officer, University Library, University of Michigan
Rich Wiggins, Senior Information Technologist, Michigan State University
Adam Smith, Senior Business Product Manager, Google Print
Steve Arnold, Arnold Information Technology

Here it comes! Or does it? A panel of librarians and a Google representative provide a status report on what’s happening at the major research libraries now partnering with Google in the largest digitization project the world has ever seen. Come to the session and see the future of libraries as it evolves. Ask questions that need answering. Get answers today that will help you position yourself and your career plans in a Google-brary world. Or not? Free and open to all registrants, exhibitors, and exhibit vistiors.

Association Sponsors: Media Sponsors:  
Click here to visit our sponsor. Computers in Libraries Information Today
Click here to visit our sponsor. Searcher Online Magazine
Multimedia & Internet@Schools

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Official Web Site, City of Monterey
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