Richard Voos - Cataloging Librarian and Helm, Horn Library Navigator,
Babson College
Frank Cervone - Library Systems Department Head, DePaul University
Patti J. Mersmann - Director of Library Information Technology, Kansas
State Library
Library web projects are blooming. What objectives are these web servers designed to fulfill? How are these projects being implemented, maintained and improved? What staff support is necessary? What training is needed and how is it being accomplished?
10:00AM - 10:45AM -
Web-based Library Applications: Electronic Reserves & Library Cats to
Web Cats
Xiaofeng John Zhu - Head of Systems, University of New Hampshire
Berna Heyman - College of William and Mary
A major task for academic libraries is to provide reserve reading
materials for faculty to use with their classes. This material can be
in many formats, but usually it is printed. The technology now
available enables delivery of electronic copies. Funded by a grant, a
web server has been set up to handle the electronic reserve materials
for all five University System of New Hampshire Libraries. Web-based
library catalogs are sprouting up which make library online catalogs
and other resources available to Internet patrons who have World Wide
Web browser software. What impact can these catalogs have on library
10:45AM - 11:15AM -
Coffee Break - Visit the Exhibits
11:15AM - 12:00PM - Librarians as Webmasters
Hope Tillman - Director of Libraries, Babson College
Since managing information is what librarians do by trade, the role of
webmaster is a natural. What skills does an information professional
need to master web management? How can this role enhance the position
of an information professional in the organization and beyond.
12:00 Noon - 1:45PM - Lunch Break--Visit the Exhibits
1:45PM - 2:30PM - Custom Internet Training on Demand via the Web
Walt Howe - Delphi Internet Services
Training should be available on demand when the job or task and the trainee require it, not when the trainer, a course, or a classroom are available. It should be closely linked to the needs of the job and the trainee, not to a set curriculum. Learn about a training model that makes this possible for web-based Internet training.
2:30PM - 3:15PM - Please Sign My Guest Book!
Peter Scott - Manager of Small Systems, University of Saskatchewan Libraries
Learn how forms, guestbooks, and e-mail are turning the World Wide Web into a fully interactive system. Discover how to adapt your desktop computer into a full-blown Web server.
3:15PM - 3:45PM - Coffee Break--Visit the Exhibits
3:45PM - 4:30PM -
WWW Browsers for Networking CD-ROMs for Public Access
Robert Joachim - Library Systems Analyst, MITRE Corporation
With alternate configurations, World Wide Web browsers such as Netscape and Mosaic can be enhanced to work as menu-like tools to launch networked CD-ROM applications. This presentation discusses alternate configurations for Netscape and Mosaic within various CD-ROM networked architectures.
9:00AM - 9:45AM -
Networking Fundamentals
Jack Harris - Mitchell Madison Group
This session covers the basics of networking for connectivity/information distribution projects. Beginning with a brief discussion of the role of the Information Audit, it outlines the components needed to understand networking options and limitations, provides an overview of the nuts and bolts of networking, examines the differences between local area networks and enterprise-wide networking, and concludes with examples of network management as a tool to enhance information delivery within the organization.
9:45AM - 10:30AM -
I Want It Now: Print, CD-ROM, and Online Access Working Together for Immediate Document Delivery
Donald Doak - EBSCO
Examines issues related to planning, budgeting, implementing, and publicizing an integrated serials access solution encompassing CD-ROM, online, print resources and document delivery services. Specific issues to be addressed include: assessing the needs of your patrons for the present and future; reviewing the fine points of electronic delivery, i.e., ASCII full text vs. image; ensuring that electronic resources allow maximum use of print collections; ensuring services complement one another; and taking advantage of vendor opportunities, such as seminars, instruction, and publicity. An in-depth discussion of periodical delivery via online services will be illustrated by the evolution and development of EBSCOhost, an online client/server periodical information resource.
10:30AM - 11:15AM -
Coffee Break - Visit the Exhibits
11:15AM - 12:00 Noon -
Creating a Cross-Platform Multimedia CD-ROM: Delivering Content to
Teachers Statewide
Christine Hamilton-Pennell - Colorado Department of Education
In response to a legislative mandate, the Colorado Department of Education Resource Center developed the Standards & Assessment Resource Bank on CD-ROM to deliver information to teachers across the state. This program will explore the issues involved in creating a cross-platform disc that includes text, video, and audio files. It addresses user interface options, authoring software, identifying and organizing content, options for delivering text and video cross-platform, working with vendors vs. doing it in-house, resolving technical issues, and testing the product. There will be a demonstration of the beta CD-ROM product.
12:00 Noon - 1:45PM -
Lunch Break - Visit the Exhibits
1:45PM - 2:30PM -
Partnerships for Success: Sailor, Maryland's Online Public Information Network
Denise Davis - Maryland State Department of Education
Central to the planning, implementation, and maintenance of a statewide Internet network is the development of partnerships. Sailor, Maryland's online public information network, represents the culmination of five years of cooperation between public, academic, and school library staff. This partnering has served the project well, facilitating the development of a collection development plan, an integrated interlibrary loan solution, and the integration of commercial databases into the Sailor network. This presentation outlines the birth of Sailor and its growth into a nationally recognized library network, highlighting significant high points as well as setbacks, emphasizing the need for partnerships in the design and development of such a network.
2:30PM - 3:15PM -
Creating A Statewide Integrated Academic, Public, and School Library
Network: The Louisiana Experience
Ralph Boe - Louisiana Online University Information System, Louisiana Library Network
The Louisiana Online University Information System (LOUIS) successfully links and automates sixteen academic libraries utilizing one mainframe, with each institution maintaining its autonomy. The success of LOUIS and the phenomenal cooperation between the various agencies involved enabled Louisiana to secure the necessary funds to design and implement the Louisiana Library Network (LLN). This has resulted in an integrated academic, public and school library network providing 67 public and 20 school libraries with hardware and software to access the Internet, full-text journal databases, and the LOUIS catalogs. This presentation will examine the planning, network, hardware and software purchases, interaction with database vendors, and training necessary to accomplish our goals.
3:15PM - 3:45PM -
Coffee Break - Visit the Exhibits
3:45PM - 4:30PM -
The Museum Education Site Licensing Project: Networked Delivery of
High Quality Images
Howard Besser - University of Michigan
The Museum Education Site License Project (MESL) is a major demonstration project designed to identify and resolve the problems of licensing and delivery of images and accompanying text from content providers to groups of content users. The project serves as a laboratory for developing and testing the legal, administrative, and technical mechanisms needed to enable the full educational use of museum collections through routine delivery of high-quality museum images and information to educational institutions. Participants, including seven universities and content providers such as the Library of Congress, the National Gallery of Art, the National Museum of American Art, the Harvard University Art Museums, and others, will explore standards and mechanisms for exchanging images and data, mounting and delivering this information to university users, development of tools for incorporating images and data into the instructional process, and parameters for licensing of this type of content.
David Hoffman - Information Today
9:00AM - 9:45AM -
Learning Through Technology
Ronnye Schreiber - AT&T
The convergence of computers and telecommunications is providing the opportunity to learn anytime, anywhere. The concept of "just in time" learning is becoming an essential part of an individual's ability to gain new skills or increase current skills to secure a new job, maintain a current job, or develop a new career. This session looks at the key elements required to enable learning through technology as well as trends in education which include moving from face-to-face training to learning at a distance.
9:45AM - 10:30AM -
Teacher of the Year
Winnie Bolinsky - Fogelsville Elementary School, Allentown, PA
Microsoft/Technology & Learning Magazine's "Teacher of the Year" explains her interactive learning project, "Fogelsville Transcontent Railroad". The project won her this national award which recognizes teachers in grades K-12 whose creative use of computers and related technologies has improved the quality of education in the classroom.
10:30AM - 11:15AM -
Coffee Break - Visit the Exhibits
11:15AM - 12:00 Noon -
Online Tools, Skills & Competencies for Lifelong Learning
Kate Sawyer - Library Director, Pittsburgh Technical Institute
This session focuses on how online and electronic forms of information access, like information literacy classes, can increase basic skills and competencies as well as lifelong learning skills, effect educational motivation and success, develop critical thinking and problem solving skills, and provide guaranteed success for all levels of learners.
12:00 Noon - 1:45PM -
Lunch Break - Visit the Exhibits
1:45PM - 2:30PM -
AskERIC's Virtual Library for Educators
Nancy Morgan - AskERIC Coordinator
Setting up and maintaining a distributed information service via the Internet not only provides resources for educators that reflect their needs and interests, but also provides vehicles for the development of sharing communities in cyberspace. Using network and multimedia technologies, this service provides lesson plans, listservs, infoguides, and access to the ERIC database.
2:30PM - 3:15PM -
ICONnect: Learning Through the Internet
Blythe Bennett - Coordinator of KidsConnect,
for the American Association of School Libraries, a
division of the American Library Association
Pam Spencer - Coordinator of Library Program Services,
Fairfax County Schools
ICONnect is a three-year partnership project designed to get students,
library media specialists and teachers connected to learning using the
Internet. Its resources will help students develop the information
and visual literacy skills they need to be productive citizens,
provide library media specialists with training to effectively
navigate the Internet and to develop and use meaningful curriculum
connections with teachers and students.
3:15PM - 3:45PM -
Coffee Break - Visit the Exhibits
3:45PM - 4:30PM -
Integrating Technology & Curriculum
The only way to ensure that technology is accepted and becomes part of the learning experience is to integrate it into the educational program. This session looks at the integration of technology into the core curriculum of both junior and senior schools.