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Conferences > Computers in Libraries 2009
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North America’s Largest Technology Conference & Exhibition for Librarians and Information Managers
Computers in Libraries 2009 March 30 - April 1, 2009
Hyatt Regency Crystal City
2799 Jefferson Davis Highway • Arlington, VA
Final Program with Presentation LinksExhibitor ListSpeaker List
CIL 2009 WikiCIL 2009 BlogInternet@Schools East 2009
Previous CIL Conferences


Order Your CD-ROM today!
CD-ROMs feature audio and supplemental materials (such as PowerPoint slides) for many of the sessions presented at Computers in Libraries 2009.
We are pleased to present the 24th annual Computers in Libraries — the most comprehensive North American conference and exhibition on all aspects of library & information delivery technology. Although the tools and technology available to libraries & information services have changed over the years, the excellent quality and range of both topics and speakers at Computers in Libraries 2009 remain the same.
Conference Overview

Spreading Ideas & Learning

With computers not only in and around libraries but also libraries in computers these days, tomorrow should be very interesting in the information world. Will libraries still be at the core of the information industry, connecting with technology to spread information, ideas and learning? Will libraries be in new places and spaces? Libraries are definitely at the forefront of experimenting with and adopting new technology, tools and processes. They are using them to spread ideas and learning and to create specialized and personalized services for their communities.

Our conference theme, Creating Tomorrow: Spreading Ideas & Learning,focuses on leading edge technology tools, processes, and practices in libraries, as well as the new spaces and places where their products and services thrive. It highlights exciting new online initiatives and innovations in all types of information enterprises; tools and techniques for enhancing user-friendly digital information flows; information discovery and visualization methods for spreading information, ideas and learning; building new communities and supporting online connections in engaging ways, and more. Join us at the most comprehensive conference for library and information professionals interested in technology to discover insights, strategies and practices that will allow us to create tomorrow and manage computers, libraries, digital information, and people in a cohesive, exciting, and productive way.

Information Today, Inc., a key provider of technology conferences for more than 25 years with Internet Librarian, and KMWorld & Intranets, is pleased to announce the 24th annual Computers in Libraries, the most comprehensive North American conference and exhibition concentrating on all aspects of library technology. The conference offers a multifaceted program designed to meet the needs of librarians, information managers, systems professionals, webmasters and web managers, content evaluators, information directors and managers, and information specialists. The focus of the conference is on leading edge technology that is transforming library operations, products and services, roles and processes within all types and sizes of library and information services.

Hear from experts, practitioners, technologists and strategists — all from the information industry. We have five strong program streams. You can participate in sessions relating to information discovery and search, web design and development, communities and collaboration, next generation catalogs, social software, open source, innovation and change, government libraries, content management, learning, planning, special libraries, search engines, mobile and virtual worlds, and more. With over 150 knowledgeable speakers in five simultaneous tracks plus three dynamic keynotes, pre-and post-conference workshops, an entertaining and informative evening program, CIL09 is a definite must-attend event. It caters to all interests and all levels of knowledge while providing many exciting networking opportunities ó join speakers, authors, and fellow participants in refreshment breaks, informal dinner groups, receptions, and more.

Continental Breakfast
Get the day off to a great start by joining us for a continental breakfast each morning between 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. in the Regency Ballroom Foyer before the keynote session.

CIL09 features two academies — popular one day intensive updates by industry leaders — covering the latest searching tips by experts in the field and key hot topics for web managers. Workshops are offered Sunday, March 29th and Thursday, April 2nd. There are also many half-day workshops, see the program for details.

Internet@Schools East 2009
If you are a K–12 library media specialist or school IT professional, this special 2-day conference sponsored by MultiMedia & Internet@Schools magazine is designed just for you. Convening on Monday, March 30 with the shared CIL/Internet@Schools keynote by Lee Rainie of the Pew Internet & American Life Project, Internet@Schools East offers a jam-packed program that will help you learn how to leverage the internet, make technology initiatives happen, and raise your professional profile and skill set.

Attendees may register separately for Internet@Schools East, or for a combination package that includes a registration for Computers in Libraries.

Plan to pick up some quick tips, take a sneak peek at new products, and learn new skills at short, free Cybertours in the Computers in Libraries 2009 Exhibit Hall. CLICK HERE for details.

Exhibit Hall Reception & Luncheon
Information Today, Inc. invites all registrants, speakers, and exhibition visitors to a networking reception on Monday in the Exhibit Hall from 5:00 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. Renew old acquantainces and meet colleagues in a relaxed atmosphere while visiting with our extensive hall of exhibitors. Then, on Wednesday take an opportunity to meet with exhibitors one last time during a light lunch reception for conference attendeesat 12:15 p.m.


Meet the Authors ...

... during the Reception in the Exhibit Hall from 5:00–5:45 pm at the Information Today, Inc. booth on Monday, March 30!

Meet authors David Lee King ( Designing the Digital Experience: How to Use EXPERIENCE DESIGN Tools and Techniques to Build Websites Customers Love ), Pamela MacKellar ( The Accidental Librarian ), and Tasha Squires ( Library Partnerships: Making Connections Between School and Public Libraries ) on Monday, March 30, from 5:00–5:45 pm at the Information Today, Inc. booth. Stop by to meet the authors and get your copy.

Conference attendees will receive a special 20% discount on all ITI books, directories, and periodicals!

Tuesday Evening Session
Free and open to all registrants, exhibitors and exhibit visitors.

Dead & Innovative Technology: Moving & Shaking in the Information World

  Sponsored by

7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
MODERATOR: Stephen Abram, VP, Innovation, SirsiDynix
Marshall Breeding, Director, Innovative Technologies & Research, Vanderbilt University
Amanda Etches-Johnson, User Experience Librarian, McMaster University
Aaron Schmidt, Digital Initiatives Librarian, District of Columbia Public Library
Darlene Fichter, University of Saskatchewan

Hear from a number of Library Journal “Movers & Shakers” and CIL experts on their views of dead and innovative technologies affecting our libraries now and as we create the future.

Sunday Evening Session
Join our gamers and gadget lovers for an evening of fun and playing. Bring your latest games and gadgets and try out each others’. See if you are a guitar hero, winning “Wii” bowler/golfer, or rank as a dancing “DDR” expert. Led by gamer/gadget gurus Aaron Schmidt and Erik Boekesteijn, this evening is filled with fun, networking, and of course, learning and laughing. Refreshments included.

The Computers in Libraries exhibition will feature leading-edge companies offering the visitor a choice of products in all aspects of library technology, including web-based products and services, integrated library and information systems, online services, document delivery services, internet software tools, content suppliers, search services, and more. If you are looking for a particular product, evaluating competing systems, keeping up-to-date with new products and developments, be sure to visit the Computers in Libraries exhibition.

Dine Arounds
Join your colleagues, fellow conference attendees, and your hosts for terrific conversation, dinner on the town, and lots of fun you won't soon forget! Chat about the day's events and topics of interest. Choose from a range of wonderful food and dining expeditions to great restaurants in the Crystal City/Arlington area. Lists will be maintained online, and during the conference copies will be on the bulletin boards in the registration area at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City. Groups will meet either in that area before going to the restaurant together or will meet at the restaurant.

CLICK HERE to sign up online for the excursion of your choice!

Sponsored by
Internet Café
Visit the Internet Café in the Exhibit Hall during regular exhibit hours to check your email.

Conference Presentations
Conference attendees are provided with a printed Collected Presentations, which contains many of the speakers’ handouts. In addition, many presentations are also available online LIVE during the conference at CD-ROMs are also available for purchase at the MondoDigital Solutions table in the Regency Ballroom Foyer.

Conference Blog & Wiki
Watch for news and updates about the conference by Information Today, Inc. editors and staff on the CIL Conference Blog at Links to blogs by non-ITI bloggers are listed on the page “Other Bloggers at CIL”. The “tag” for this year’s CIL blog postings is CIL2009. Check out the Conference Wiki at for conference tips, networking, sightseeing, and practice your wiki skills.

Organizing/Reviewing Committee
Program Chair Jane Dysart
Jane Dysart
Dysart & Jones Associates

Stephen Abram

Helene Blowers
Columbus Metropolitan

Marshall Breeding
Vanderbilt University
Steven Cohen
Law Library Management

Darlene Fichter
University of Saskatchewan

Megan Fox
Simmons College
Janie Hermann
Princeton Public Library

Rachel Singer Gordon
Information Today

Rebecca Jones
Dysart & Jones Associates
Ellyssa Kroski
Columbia University

Donna Scheeder
Law Library of Congress

Aaron Schmidt
North Plains Public Library

Media Sponsors:    
Computers in Libraries Information Today ONLINE Magazine
Searcher Magazine Multimedia & Internet@Schools Magazine Learning Partner:

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