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Computers in Libraries 2007
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North America’s Largest Technology Conference & Exhibition for Librarians and Information Managers
Computers in Libraries 2007 April 16 - 18, 2007
Hyatt Regency Crystal City
2799 Jefferson Davis Highway Arlington, VA
Conference Overview Conference At-a-Glance [PDF] Final Program
Exhibitor List New!Exhibitor Survey New!Attendee Survey
New!Presentation Links CIL 2007 Wiki Internet@Schools East 2007 Covers CIL 2007!
InfoTubey Award Winners David Lee King's Video Coverage!
A CD-ROM is available for purchase through The Digital Record (
The CD-ROM features audio and supplemental materials (such as PowerPoint slides) for many of the sessions at Computers in Libraries.
Orders are shipped approximately 6 weeks after the event.

PostConference Workshops – Thursday, April 19

Workshop 13 — Digitization 101
9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. [FULL DAY]

Jill Hurst-Wahl, President, Hurst Associates, Ltd., & Senior Instructor, Syracuse University School of Information Studies

Digitization is much more than converting a physical or analog object into its digital equivalent. It is about efficiently repurposing crucial information resources to improve how these resources are used by staff, colleagues, and end users. For libraries, it can open the collection to a much larger user-base, whether that user-base is comprised of researchers, students, or businesspeople. Most digitization programs are doomed from the start because the focus is on the conversion process instead of other, critical pre-scanning issues such as selection criteria, preservation of original documents, metadata creation, software and hardware concerns, integration into existing systems, and legal issues. These issues and more are discussed in this workshop: digitization definitions; the five major steps in digitization process; roles for project managers and team members; critical success factors; copyright and other intellectual property issues; marketing to colleagues, collaborators and users; funding; typical program stoppers and inhibitors; and digitization trends.

Workshop 14 — Super-Charged Blogging: Delivering Innovative Enterprise and Client Services
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Sabrina Pacifici, Law Librarian, & Editor/Publisher of and &
Connie Crosby, Library Manager, WeirFoulds LLP

Taught by experienced bloggers, this workshop looks at what communication methods could be replaced by blogging, what manual or online processes could be replaced or supplemented by blogging, and how RSS and news feeds from both local and enterprisewide, fee-based services or free services can improve delivery and awareness of information. It illustrates what can be done with blog applications (e.g., Blogger, TypePad, WordPress, Movable Type); audio posts/podcasting; video posts; posting from cell phones or PDAs; and other hot new features and/or gadgets. With case studies and interactive discussions the following issues are considered: enterprise blogging for certain departments or processes (e.g., getting a reference group or catalogers to create and share resources and ongoing updates); marketing services within an organization and to an organization’s clients; blogging ethics and guidelines; strategies for collaborative blogging; getting nonbloggers to post; using blogs to create RSS feeds; news aggregators; types of information suitable for blogging (i.e., how to set up processes by which you can gather, analyze, compile, and publish current content to your blog); selling blogging as a worthwhile venture in your organization; and more.
Workshop 15 — Teaching Web Search Skills
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Greg Notess, Montana State University, & Author, Teaching Web Search Skills

Our expert presents proven techniques for teaching Web searching, not just to beginners but also to those who think they already know everything about Web search. Using practical examples and tips, Notess covers the advantages, disadvantages, and techniques for hands-on training; demonstration sessions; and online, self-paced guides for teaching others about Web search skills and strategies. Anyone involved in teaching and training, within any environment, will gain important insights and strategies for teaching Web search skills.
Workshop 16 — Risk Management, Game Theory, & Fair Use (Cancelled)
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

K. Matthew Dames, Editor, OpenWyre

The fair use clause of the Copyright Act of 1976 is perhaps the most difficult copyright exception to understand. Given its broad application and fact dependency, information professionals find it very difficult to make business decisions about content use based on a fair use analysis, thereby effectively rendering this exception useless to the information community. This advanced workshop seeks to demystify fair use and restore it as a viable copyright exception for information professionals. Using a fair use checklist developed by IUPUI’s Copyright Management Center, an analysis of contemporary case law, and elements of game theory, Dames, editor of CopyCense, guides info pros through a strategic analysis of fair use that will assist them in making prudent business decisions about using protected works without a license or without receiving permission from the copyright owner. This presentation builds on participants’ fundamental understanding of U.S. copyright law as it applies to libraries, archives, museums, schools, and universities.
Workshop 17 — Podcasting & Videocasting Bootcamp
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

David Free, Georgia Perimeter College, Decatur Campus Library
David Lee King, Digital Branch & Services Manager, Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library

Podcasting is one of today’s hottest social computing applications. But what can this emerging technology do for libraries? What is a videoblog and why use one on your library’s Web site? This in-depth workshop, featuring two experts in the field of library podcasting and videocasting, answers these questions and more. Come explore and discuss how libraries are using podcasts and videocasts for outreach and learning through a variety of case studies, including tips on what types of content work best for different types of libraries. Detailed information on what to consider when planning for and implementing pod/videocasting at your
library are provided along with an up-close and personal look at a variety of creation tools. Gain some hands-on experience in making podcasts and videocasts by producing content live during the session!
Workshop 18 — Networking 101
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Frank Cervone, Assistant University Librarian for Information Technology, Northwestern University

Have you ever wondered what a subnet or DNS cache is? Have you ever wondered just how all that digital information flies around the Internet? If so, this is the workshop for you! This broad introduction to networking concepts, specifically for librarians, covers the basic terminology of networking, glimpses the infrastructure behind the Internet, illustrates how information travels across network access methods and how wireless access works, and examines the hot topics related to network security. This workshop provides a solid foundation for doing your own basic network troubleshooting, and with a better understanding of how networks are constructed, both at home and in the workplace, you will be able to deal with the techies in your world.
Workshop 19 — Mining the Internet for Business Intelligence
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Barbie Keiser, President, Barbie E. Keiser Inc.

Discovering new sites on the Web is not a problem; thousands exist for every topic under the sun. Identifying those to which you should link when time and money are a consideration—not to mention comprehensive nature, timeliness, and accuracy of the data—is the key. This how-to half-day workshop focuses on using the Internet/Web as a source for business intelligence. This practical primer, by an experienced researcher, acquaints attendees with the vast array of business and management information sources that reside on the Internet today, where and how to access “the best,” and how to improve your business monitoring efforts, deepening your organization’s knowledge of markets (global, regional, national, and local), industry sectors, and company-specific activities and strategies. Methodologies for performing research on the Web are presented and many resources highlighted.
Workshop 20 — Mining Blogs & RSS for Research
1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Sabrina Pacifici, Law Librarian, & Editor/Publisher of and &
Connie Crosby, Library Manager, WeirFoulds LLP

This workshop focuses on leveraging the best of free and low-fee Web sites as well as Web-related services to support research services. It includes “best of the Web” for CI (competitive intelligence), legislation, news, public services, government documents, and information—sites you need to know about and incorporate in your daily work routine.
Workshop 21 — Creating Online Tutorials in Less Than 30 Minutes
1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Greg Notess, Montana State University

Online tutorials used to be extremely time-intensive to create. With the increase in reference and instruction to distant users in all types of libraries, as well as the need for just-in-time learning in many organizations, we need quicker ways to create tutorials to transfer information and demonstrate online library resources. New tools make it quick and easy to create online demonstrations and tutorials with a minimum of effort, to record screen actions, and to add a voice commentary. Explore using software such as Camtasia, Captivate, and Wink to quickly create online tutorials for your distance users.
Workshop 22 — Search Engine Optimization for Library Web Sites: Get Found By Search Engines!
1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Erik Arnold, Vivisimo Search,& Barbie Keiser, President, Barbie E. Keiser Inc.

Ranking high in the search results of major engines is obtainable for all library Web sites. This workshop covers the strategies, tools, and techniques that search marketing pros use to increase visibility and traffic for their clients’ Web sites. It focuses on site design and content considerations that will naturally attract traffic from search engines to your site. This workshop helps you understand how search engines work and how they rank your site, design search-engine-friendly sites and pages, apply search engine optimization techniques to your site, and more.
Workshop 23 — Utilizing the New Multimedia Web
1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Ran Hock, Online Strategies, & Author, The Extreme Searcher’s Guide to Web Search Engines

Among current Web trends, one of the most significant and exciting is the growing importance, quantity, and searchability of multimedia content — images, audio, and video. This session explores the new sources and interfaces that are out. The session provides attendees with an increased awareness of the possibilities and also the skills, techniques, and tricks for most effectively accessing this multimedia material. It discusses the increasing role of XML, RSS, speech recognition, and other technologies in providing extensive metadata, searchable transcripts, improved relevance, and other valuable features that can accompany these important resources.
Workshop 24 — From Thesaurus to Ontology: Advanced Taxonomy Course
1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Marjorie M.K. Hlava, President, & Jay Ven Eman, Ph.D., CEO, Access Innovations, Inc.

This advanced taxonomy workshop covers what it takes to make the switch from a thesaurus to an ontology. Moving from a well-formed, standards-compliant thesaurus to a W3C OWL ontology is a straightforward process. The workshop outlines the process and discusses the pros and cons of the switch such as what can you do with one that you cannot do with the other, what search implementation options you have with each, application to actual text or information objects, and more. Experience with thesaurus construction or knowledge of the NISO Z39.19 standard is useful.

Media Sponsors:    
Computers in Libraries Information Today ONLINE Magazine
Searcher Magazine Multimedia & Internet@Schools Magazine Learning Partner:

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