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ONLINE SEARCHER: Information Discovery, Technology, Strategies


Volume 44, Number 3 - May/June 2020


Page 1
What this health crisis has shown is that it's librarians who are the most essential.
By Marydee Ojala
The Searcher's Viewpoint
Page 27
By Gwenn Weaver


Page 5
Industry News
Page 7
Search Engine Update
By Greg R. Notess
Page 29
Conference Corral
NISO Plus Conference 2020
By Raymond Pun


Page 9
Extended reality (XR) incorporates virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), and spatial computing, blending digital simulations with our physical world. These immersive technologies create phenomenal opportunities for library services and programs, and have the potential to revolutionize education and entertainment. St. Petersburg College's Chad Mairn provides examples of XR in action.
By Chad Mairn
Page 14
Counting on Math Databases
The discipline of mathematics has three superb electronic resources. Not only is their history fascinating, the capabilities of MathSciNet, Wolfram MathWorld, and zbMATH cover a full range of mathematics research. Throw in the practical aspects of math, as demonstrated by Khan Academy, and join librarian Woody Evans as he dispels your math anxiety.
By Woody Evans
Page 18
Employee Compensation Data Resources: How to Use Them and Why They Are Important
The ever-intriguing question about how much people are paid is answered by researcher Roger Magnus using free websites from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, tax forms (the 990s) from nonprofits and foundations, government employee salary data compilations, the U.S. Department of Labor Statistics' profiles of labor unions, and websites sharing athlete and celebrity earnings.
By Roger Magnus
Page 22
The New Version of MEDLINE: What Searchers Want
PubMed has long been the gold standard for medical research. The initiative of the National Center for Biotechnology Information to update it led several librarians to solicit feedback from their colleagues about what features and functionality were the most desired. Results of the survey revealed not only what searchers want, but also what they can easily live without.
By Stephen Clancy, Rachel Stark, Linda Suk-Ling Murphy


The Dollar Sign
Now that millions of people around the globe are working from home, many involuntarily and with short notice, how to work from home effectively is a hot topic. Advice on how to set up a home office is rampant—and often contradictory.
By Marydee Ojala
Internet Express
Page 31
Streaming Media: An Access and Preservation Game Changer
While streaming features fit perfectly into the lives of users who demand instant gratification, even the best-curated single streaming platforms are not all-encompassing, giving users little choice but to have multiple subscriptions and maintain their own analog collections.
By Carly Lamphere
InfoLit Land
Page 35
How I (Try to) Teach the Framework
The ACRL Information Literacy Framework underscores the threshold concepts that define information literacy, which are meant to be "encountered." Bill Badke presents a no-holds-barred account of how he teaches the Framework in a deliberate, incremental, and iterative manner.
By William Badke
Technology and Power
Page 38
AI, Lifelong Learning, Neoliberalism, and Libraries
Insights gleaned from her stint as a guest lecturer at an undergraduate seminar on the technical and social challenges of AI technologies led Bohyun Kim to muse about the impact of neoliberal philosophies on higher education and the disruption of the concept of lifelong learning.
By Bohyun Kim
Metrics Mashup
Page 41
Gaming the System
University librarian Elaine Lasda investigates whether increased reliance on metrics for evaluating research productivity perversely affects researcher behavior. Do researchers "game the system" to make themselves look better?
By Elaine M. Lasda
Hard Copy
Page 44
Recommended Reading on Intellectual Freedom, Anonymity, Scholarly Communication, and Acquisitions Collaboration
By Jennifer A. Bartlett
Online Spotlight
Page 48
Have We Hit Peak Google?
Intrepid researcher Mary Ellen Bates speculates that we have probably reached "peak Google," that point where it no longer meets the needs of professional researchers, who now need to look elsewhere for reliable search results.
By Mary Ellen Bates


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