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ONLINE SEARCHER: Information Discovery, Technology, Strategies


Volume 42, Number 5 - September/October 2018


Page 4
Whatever you think of the various pricing mechanisms, it's clear that someone somewhere has to pay the piper.
By Marydee Ojala
The Searcher's Viewpoint
Page 27
David Lankes uses an anti-library Forbes' editorial (that got so much backlash it was removed) to emphasize why he thinks the concept of the library as a community learning space has become common across the discipline as librarians from all corners of the globe have worked to make libraries a critical point of advocacy and change management.
By R. David Lankes


Page 6
Industry News
Page 8
Search Engine Update
By Greg R. Notess
Page 9
Letter to Editor/Correction
Page 53
Conference Corral
Hayden Hits Home Runs and Other Stories From SLA and ALA


Page 12
Law Library Management and Legal Research Meet Artificial Intelligence
Click to view a collection of URLs from this article.The world of law library management and legal research is being upended by new technologies that loosely fall under the rubric of artificial intelligence. Recognizing patterns in legal documents, determining best practices for resource management, and making predictions based on available data, AI products will revolutionize the law library environment, explains Barbie Keiser.
By Barbie E. Keiser
Page 20
Click to view a collection of URLs from this article.Not everyone wants, or is able, to hover over their phones to post to social media. Tools that let you schedule your posts let you compose your thoughts, hone your messages, and put them up on social media on your schedule. No one needs to know that you're on vacation when you use the scheduling tools suggested by Sophia Guevara.
By Sophia Guevara
Page 24
GDPR: Understanding Its Impact and Why Library Vendors Rushed to Comply
The EU's General Data Protection Regulation is now in effect, and library vendors have scrambled to comply, particularly since most have a multinational audience and the penalties for non-compliance are severe. Beyond updating privacy policies and notifying customers of the changes, what else have vendors done? EBSCO's MacDonald and Klebe explain.
By Scott MacDonald, Skott Klebe
Page 33
Friction and Flooding: A Primer on the Brave New World of Information Manipulation
Author Jason Voiovich uses a children's fairy tale to examine three forms of information manipulation—censorship, information friction, and information flooding— and compares techniques used in and outside the U.S. He also looks at the role info pros must play to mitigate its impact.
By Jason Voiovich
Page 37
Blockchain's distributed ledger system has gained support in many disciples and industries. But can it be an effective tool in the library? Nancy Herther delves into this question from numerous angles, including privacy and security issues that are still not resolved, and also previews some interesting blockchain prototypes from around the world.
By Nancy K. Herther
Page 46
Controversy Over PACER Fees
It's an age-old question. Why should the public pay for information gathered by the government? It's come to a head over PACER fees, says law librarian John DiGilio, when a judge's decision found the collected funds were misused, particularly when they were used to buy flat-screen televisions in courtrooms.
By John J. DiGiglio
Page 50
Has Your Job Changed in the Past Few Years?
Online Searcher asked attendees at several library conferences this summer what has changed in their jobs over the past few years. We found that job duties have expanded into knowledge management, competitive intelligence, and archives; that space is shrinking as electronic resources become more important; and that the ability to be flexible remains critical to job success.
By Marydee Ojala


Internet Express
Page 29
Click to view a collection of URLs from this article.When did the first meme appear? And what exactly constitutes a meme? Carly Lamphere looks at the history of the internet meme and examines how they are playing a significant role in the culture of our modern world.
By Carly Lamphere
InfoLit Land
Page 60
Doing a search may be easy, but interpreting and evaluating the results are essential steps in the research process that often confuses students. Frequently, the difficulty with results is that the initial search wasn't well-constructed because the intent or goal of the research was not well-articulated.
By William Badke
The Dollar Sign
Page 63
Researching Tax Havens
Click to view a collection of URLs from this article.Tax havens around the world are places where people and companies stash money. The object of the exercise is to minimize taxes, but sometimes it's also to hide illegally gained cash or evade rather than avoid taxation. Which areas qualify as tax havens differs depending on what list you consult. What data you can find online hinges on the jurisdiction's corporate registry information.
By Marydee Ojala
The Open Road
Page 66
Challenges With Anonymization and De-Identification in Open Data
Open data presents challenges in ensuring that people remain anonymous in the datasets deposited by researchers in OA repositories. In some instances, it's close to impossible, but there are actions that researchers can take to protect people's identities.
By Eric Hinsdale, Abby Clobridge
Hard Copy
Page 69
Recommended Reading on PowerPoint Presentations, Technology Addiction, Blockchain, and Accessible Websites
By Deborah Lynne Wiley
Online Spotlight
Page 72
‘Beeing’ an Info Pro
Newly inaugurated into the field of beekeeping, Mary Ellen Bates sees parallels between keeping bees and "beeing" an information professional.
By Mary Ellen Bates


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