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Conferences > Internet@Schools East 2009
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Sponsored by MultiMedia & Internet@Schools Magazine
Internet@Schools East 2008 March 30 - 31, 2009

Hyatt Regency Crystal City  
2799 Jefferson Davis Highway • Arlington, VA
Final Program with Presentation Links Final Program [PDF] Speaker List
Computers in Libraries 2009   Previous Internet@Schools Conferences

Call for Speakers
Click Here to
Submit a Proposal

Deadline extended to October 10, 2008
You Are Invited…
K-12 library media and technology specialists’ roles are increasingly important in the push to prepare students for life in the 21st century. You have been, and remain, at the center of learning in your schools and districts. Yet library media specialists are under pressure—budgetary pressure, of course, but also under pressure to understand all that's new and relevant in the education and technology landscapes … and to embrace what's new when and where appropriate … and to guide others—students, teachers, administrators, parents—in appropriately embracing it as well. No stress here, right?

Internet@Schools has always been about supporting library media specialists as they face these pressures and stresses. Each year, we offer intriguing, cutting-edge presentations about information and technology trends in school libraries and K-12 education and how to apply them in the service of student learning. Who makes these presentations? Professionals like YOU!

If you’re a K-12 library media or technology specialist with information technology and the Internet on your mind, we’d like you to be a part of our 2009 Internet@Schools East conference. Are you running an innovative program through your school media or technology center that is helping your students learn or your teachers teach? Are you willing to share your practical tips, tools, or techniques about using technology and the Internet in schools? Then please consider volunteering to speak at Internet@Schools East.

All speakers receive a full, complimentary registration to the Internet@Schools East conference as well as to Computers in Libraries 2009, plus great recognition from their peers. So think over your latest success stories or technology ventures and click on the link above to submit a proposal.

Thanks! We look forward to hearing from you soon. The deadline for proposals is October 10, so think quickly and send in your ideas! And tell your professional colleagues and friends, too!

Program Co-Chairs, Internet@Schools East 2009
David Hoffman
Editor, MultiMedia & Internet@Schools Magazine
Information Today, Inc.
Susan Geiger
Library Media Specialist
Moreau Catholic High School
Hayward, California






















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